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The game night has been going good so far, even though I was yet to see Kanaan. Natse and I bonded throughout the evening, and I learnt a couple of things about him. Like how him and Angel have been friends seen diaper days. And how he was also planning on attending UCLA, which I was very glad about. And also how he killed the three cats that strayed into his house, amongst other things. We even exchanged numbers and it was safe to say he's a cool guy.

"Why are you looking around so often Ayanfe? Am I safe?" Natse joked, as we were playing our third round of Ludo. I have been on the look out for Kanaan all through the night, and I guess he noticed.

"Yeah...I might have stolen drugs from a drug dealer and now things aren't looking good for me" I joined in.

"Oh shit. Guess I have to dip now" We both busted out in laughter. That was one thing I liked about Natse, his sense of humor.

"I thought Kanaan was supposed to be here" I finally said.

"I saw him na" He replied.

I turned sharply. "What?! Why didn't you tell me!"

"I didn't know you were looking for him!" He exclaimed back.

"Ahh whatever" I sighed. It was silent for a while, the sound of dice hitting the board was the only thing keeping us company, with conversations from other guests.

"Yesssirrr! I won ya" Natse shouted, laughing loudly.

"Bruh I literally won the first two rounds. Why are you so happy? Ote" I snorted.

"I sha won you. And what the fuck does ote mean?" He asked, frowning.

"Loser" I smirked.

"Ughh! Just these few hours I've known you, you've proven to be the most annoying person I know"

"My pleasure" I giggled.


"Anyways I'm about to go look for my girls" I said, standing up.

"Okay. Lemme hug you goodbye in case we don't see for the rest of the night" He said, pulling me into a warm hug. We pulled away shortly after. I walked off to find my cousins.

"Wagwan bitch" I greeted as I spotted Nafisa on her phone, nursing a bottle of strawberry Fanta. She looked up and smiled when she realized it was me.

"Where you been bitch?" She asked.

"I should ask you the same" I replied. "Is Nori here?"

"Nah. She called and said something came up, so she couldn't come any longer" Nafisa shrugged.

"Oh... anyways imma go look for my cuzzos. Stay tight" I said, patting her shoulder as I walked away. I spotted Audrey a few metres away. I attempted to scare her.

"Wusgud hoe" I whispered into her ear.

"Ahh!" She jumped, holding her chest. I busted out in laughter.

"What the fuck was that for?! Idiot" She hit my shoulder.

"Scaredy ass" I chuckled. "Where's your twinnem?"

"She went in search of a toilet" Audrey replied.

"Aight. Are you enjoying the party?" I asked her.

"It's not a party AY, game night...get it right" Angel interrupted before Audi could reply. She just so happened to be passing by at that exact moment.

"Yeah it's a not a party, yet there's Henny and music" I said with sarcasm.

"Shut up" She replied, smacking my head playfully.

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