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  "C'mon Nori, we are gonna be late" Nafisa whined. The girls were currently at my house, and we were getting dressed for Angel Anosike's birthday party. They were finally able to convince me to go with them, after so many Snickers and Pringles.

  "I'm almost done! I just wanna use some lipgloss" Nori snapped.

  "Suit yourself" Nafisa rolled her eyes.

  "You waste so much time" I added, knowing she wouldn't reply me. We weren't really on talking terms after last week's incident, and to be honest it sucked. I missed my best friend so much.

  "Shut the fuck up" She replied, dropping the lipgloss on my dresser. I was so happy she at least responded to me. That meant we were getting somewhere.

  "Let's take some pictures before we leave" Nafisa said.

  "Sure. Let's go girls, y'all are the ones wasting time now" Nori urged. We left the room and walked down the stairs.

  "TK come lock the door!" I yelled.

  "Coming!" He yelled back.

  "Guy isn't the Uber we ordered here already?" Nafisa asked. "You girls know we can't be late to this party"

  "Calm your blood. Shey na you be the celebrant?" Nori replied.

  "Angel's my friend. I can't just go there at anytime"

  "Wo chill out, the ride will get here soon" I said. Soon after, my brother came down to lock the front door. We decided to take pictures down my street before the Uber got here.

  "Touch your glasses slightly Nori...yeah just like that" I said, snapping away. I took a few more shots and showed her the pictures.

 I took a few more shots and showed her the pictures

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  "Omoooo, these pictures are crazy. You did ya thang girly" She smiled widely at me. I grinned just as wide.

Does that mean she has forgiven me? I hope so o.

  "Nori I'm so sorry for the stuff that happened last week. I was just being foolishly defensive. I hope you forgive me" I apologized, giving her the puppy dog eyes.

  "Stop giving me those eyes" She chuckled. "And yes I forgive you. I was just trying to help. You know I don't like seeing my best friends hurt"

  "Yes I know. Thank you boo. Hug?" I asked, spreading my arms wide open. She gladly accepted my show of affection.

  "Aht aht. Y'all hugging without me?" Nafisa gasped in mock shock and joined our big hug.

  "Okay okay, let's take more pictures" Nori laughed, pulling away. We took more pictures of one another, before the Uber pulled up.

 We took more pictures of one another, before the Uber pulled up

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