Chapter 3

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A picture of Leo above ⬆️

Sofia's POV:

Damn someone's child should be waking me up with kisses, but no I have a stupid alarm that makes me fall of the bed with it's vibration. And to make matters worse is that it's a Monday. I heard a slight knock on the door and freaked out, because it's my house after all and I'm alone.

"Come in." I said freaked out
A older lady who looked like she was in her 40s came in."Morning miss Mahlangu I'm your new housekeeper, your mother told me that she forgot to mention me to you" she miss pronounced my surname, but I didn't bother correcting her, because I get that a lot.

"Oh" was all I could say I couldn't be more great-full for my mom. Don't get me wrong I know how to cook and everything but when I'm under pressure I sometimes starve myself without knowing. Back home I use to do that a lot.

With that she left my room and went downstairs. As painful as it was I removed my butt off my bed and went to shower.
Once I was done showering I changed into an outfit that looked presentable and yet shouted independent b**ch

Once I was done showering I changed into an outfit that looked presentable and yet shouted independent b**ch

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Once I was done I went downstairs into the kitchen. The smell of vanilla pancakes with syrup hit my nose dayum it had me drooling.

"Um morning,I'm sorry about earlier I was just shocked and please call me Sofia you older than me plus my surname makes me sound old." I said while giving her a heartwarming smile.

She smiled at me and said "Okay". Me and Susan talked to each other until I was done with breakfast I learnt that she was 47.

I was now on my way to the company I was gonna work in. The closer we got the more nervous I became and trust me I'm not a person who becomes nervous. Once I got there I paid the Uber driver and walked into the reception. The receptionist told me to go to the top floor since it's where I'm gonna be working.

Ever since I walked in this company I got stares some were jealous, others envious and some just normal stares. I got into the elevator and tapped on the 60th floor that was where all employees could end the rest of the 5 floors were a penthouse of the CEO.

Not me being Sofia and forgetting my bosses name and surname. Once I heard the ting I walked out and met another receptionist. She gave me a jealous and envious look but I just smiled at her.

"Good morning, I'm the new petroleum engineer." I told her she gave me a disgusted look and said"Oh okay,please take a sit the CEO is on his way." I did as I was told.

I waited for about 10mins until..."Hy miss I heard you the new engineer,I'm Leo your temporary supervisor." He said with a smirk.
It was then I knew his a playboy."Hy I'm Sofia." He takes my hand and kisses it. That's when I actually take a good look at him.

This guy was a walking angel he head sea blue eyes the colour of the Bahamas water. And trust when I say that waters colour is breathtaking, because I have been there for my eighteenth birthday with my friends and that was the second time me being there. His jaw line is as sharp as a ruler.

I stood up and followed Leo. He took me to my office and told me everything I needed to know about the company and that tomorrow we were going to visit a site with the CEO and that was gonna be my first project.

The day went by fast Leo and I exchanged phone numbers and he offered to drop me home. At first I denied but then he convinced me and dropped me home.

Currently I'm in the living room having dinner on the sofa while watch behind her eyes. Susan had already left,she had already cooked dinner. I got an in coming call from Andrea.
"Hey Andrea"
"Sofia how are you and how was your first day of work."
"I'm good thanks and you and my first day wasn't bad it was actually good the boss wasn't even there."

Andrea and I continued talking I told her about my day and also about my supervisor Leo

Once I was done talking to her I went to my room and showered and changed then went into bed and was on Instagram I started dozing but then got a call from Leo around 11.

"Hey Sofia"he said in a husky voice. That made me wanna melt.
"Hey Leo."
"Shawty just couldn't sleep without saying goodnight and please don't forget to wear something more causal alright?"He said in a caring voice.
"Oh thanks Leo I almost forgot and may you please sent me the location of the site."
"Pleasure and lemme send you the location."

The following morning Susan woke me up and I went to bath then changed into something casual

The following morning Susan woke me up and I went to bath then changed into something casual

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On days like this I wander why I didn't become a fashion designer😭😭

I then went downstairs and eat breakfast once I was done I thanked Susan and went down to my Uber ride.

Once I got out of the Uber I saw Leo talking to some tall looking guy."Morning Leo I hope I'm not late."
"Nope you still have 10 mins it Renzo and you were early." He said with a smile.
"By the way cute outfit very casual and classy."
"Thank you I thought it was too much."I told him he just looked at me and chuckled.

The men he was with turned to me and boy was he Hot not the correct words are He was hot like a BOMB. His eyes were this hazel and absolutely beautiful. His jawline was as sharp as a knife. And he was muscular like really muscular and huge I'm not short I'm like 5'8  his like 6'7. I'm very tiny compared to him.

At this point I thank God for being black or else I would have been as red as a tomato right now.

"Umm miss Sofia, how are you?" He asked with a blank face. "Um I'm good thanks and you sir." The moment I said sir Leo burst in tears while laughing. And the Renzo guy gave a me a frown. I stepped on Leo's shoe and he let out an Awu but at least that got him to keep quiet.

Once Leo got himself together he formally introduced the two of us"Well Sofia sir here is actually your boss mr Ferrari." I was so embarrassed. "Um morning boss" I say with confidence and a smile.
He just stared at me and chuckled

His laugh was cold but was also music to my ears. What the hell am I even saying. Well this is gonna be a verrrry long day.


Hey lovies hope y'all are enjoying the story❤️❤️and I'm proud of myself I wrote 3 chapters in less than 12 hours guy's writing isn't as easy as really😭😹

And don't forget to vote🥰❤️

Word count: 1213

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