Chapter 12

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Big Sean~I know

Sofias POV:

My parents when they were young:

My parents when they were young:

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My dad is 45
My mom is 43

They had my siblings and I at a young age.

My twin brothers are 22
Alexander and Matteo
Just a year older than me


"Don't when did you get here me. Tell me where you have been ever since Sunday?" She asked and I heard ooous from my brothers so I turned and glared at them.

"Mamma I missed you aren't you first gonna show me love then kill me?" I asked as I went to hug her and she hugged me back. My mom is a bit short compared to me, but had curves in all the right places.

I then ran and sat next to my dad. He is the calmer one and this is why I tell him almost everything he knows that I was at my friends house and that that's why I wasn't here he also knows that I fainted. That's why I'm more relaxed when it comes to him.

"Hey dad." I said with a huge smile.

"Hey princess, how was work?" He asked while kissing my cheek.

"Sean what the hell. You suppose to back me up." My mom says as she sat on my dads lap which caused me to go and sit next to my brothers. My parents are such a cute couple and they haven't changed much physically ever since they were teens my mom just got thicker and my dad buffer.

Most people who see them think that they are in their early 30s. And their love for each other is so strong one day I wanna have something like what they have.

"Hunny relax and and let her explain." My dad told my mom as he kissed her lips. That is why I moved away my parents are very touchy.

"Okay then Sofia please explain." She told me. I then told her what happened, but left out the Lorenzo part and also didn't mention Leo.

"Okay may I meet this friend of yours?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay when?" I asked.

"Today its.." She paused and looked at her watch. "6pm ask her to come over for dinner." She told me.

"But ma she lives far it's like a 45-60mins distance from here to there." I whined

"Sofia."My dad warned me.

"Okay lemme call her, but after I'm done may I be excused because I wanna go and bath?" I asked. And my parents nod in approval.

"Thanks." I thanked them then I turned to my brothers. "Later losers." I told my brothers and before they could respond I ran to my room.

I got to my room and called Andrea. She picked up on the first ring.

"What did you do to my brother?" She asked. Now what is she talking about.

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