Chapter 9

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Good Morning~Kanye West

Lorenzo's POV:

I wake up and see Sofia and I tangled. I smile as I think about last night and how I filed my liquid in her and never used a condom. I just hope I'm able to trap her, because I never wanna let her go, but I can't tell her that she will think that I'm joking or something.

I then text one of the house maids to come and change the sheets in about 15 minutes. I then put my phone down and stare at her, she's so beautiful, she has got freckles around her noise and some on her cheeks. While staring at her she opens her eyes and we look at each other intensively.

"Good morning."I tell her while kissing her forehead.

"Morning Renzo." She says

"Renzo that's new what happened to Boss man?" I asked her with a raised eyebrows. And she blush.

"Um well we weren't professional soo.... Why continue with Boss man." She stated shyly.

"Okay you got me there." I chuckled.

"How you feeling though?" I asked her.

"Apart from my vagina hurting like shii I'm good." She told me.

I kiss her lips and she kisses me back. I then remove the sheets and lift her up. We both still naked, I make my way to the bathroom. I sit her on the sink island and make my way to the jacuzzi and turn on the water. Once I turn to her I see her getting off the island and struggling to stand.

I then rush to her and catch her before she falls.

"Hey if you need help ask me." I told her and she just nod. One thing I noticed ever since yesterday is that now she's shy around me.

"And I'm sorry." I apologise.

"It's okay don't worry." She replied.

I then go to her and pick her up and put her in the jacuzzi. I then take the body wash and start to bathe her.

Once I'm done I lift her up and wrap her in a fluffy blanket. Then pick her and carry her to the closet in her room.

"Should I dress you or should I get the housekeeper to come and help you?" I asked polity, because she might be uncomfortable with me dressing her up.

"Um just give me my undergarments." She told me. So I did as I was told and passed her her undergarments.

"May you please stand close by incase I fall?" She asked and I went to stand near her. She then stands up and puts on her undergarments. When she was done she sat down.

"May you please pass me a pair of black sweatpants, a navy blue and white cropped sweater and a pair of white converse and dress me." She asked. I did as I was told. I found her outfit and helped her put it on. That was the nicest part I first put on her cropped sweater then then traced her body going down. When I looked up I see her staring at me looking confused. I then smirked and took her sweatpants and put them on while tracing her body. She has a drop dead gorgeous body.

 She has a drop dead gorgeous body

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