Chapter 17

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Lorenzos's POV:

I stood dumbfounded for while the doctor was mumbling some inaudible words, but I'm sure Andrea and the twins are okay. I regained my senses when Andrea started shaking me "Lorenzo the doctor is asking if you are okay. For a tan person you are very pale brother." She whispered that last part to me. "Yea I'm okay" I looked at the doctor "When can we see her." I asked the doctor. "Well tomorrow morning during the visiting hours. If you would excuse me." And with that he was gone.

"You!" The twins said in u walking closer to me . "I hope you take full responsibility for your actions." Alexander warned. "Why did you ruin my little sister's life, I'm sure there are many other women out there that you could have your flings with am I right?" Matteo asks. It low-key hurt that he saw this situationship as a fling, we not official yet, but it's still also not a fling. "Don't worry Alexander I am a man who believes that for every action you do there are consequences and I will man up and take responsibility." I managed to convince Alexander since he was the twin with more brain cells as for Matteo he just side eyed me.

"Matteo I'm going to take full responsibility and do the right thing by marrying her, but none of you say a word to her about the baby I will tell her when the time is right." They all just nod. "But what will you do when she starts drinking alcohol, I'm sure you know how she is." Matteo asked. "We will tell her that she can't due to the medication she is taking." I said.

"Okay since that's sorted I may now leave, my plane is departing in 1hour 30minutes." Andrea announced. "I will drive you there if that's fine with you." Asked Alexander, which I found very suspicious. "Okay and Matteo please tell Sofia that I'm sorry I couldn't stay and see her, but I will make it up to her once I'm back." Andrea said slightly blushing. I stood up and walked her out along with Alexander.

When I returned back to the waiting room I found Matteo with tears in his eyes. "Don't worry she will make it." I said as I awkwardly patted his back. " I know it still hurts, because she is my ride or die." He said, then he quickly fixed himself and sat upright. "And don't you dare mention a word of this to anyone or else I will tell the family the real reason she's actually here." He warned. "How did you know?" I asked with surprise evident on my face. "Well one thing you should know about Sofia and I is that we tell each other everything, even though Alexander is the smartest twin, when it comes to emotions he doesn't cope so well, so in situations like this Sofia prefers to tell me alone. Otherwise you wouldn't have been breathing now." He whispered the last part to himself, but I heard him. "Oh." Is all I could say. For the rest of the evening it was quiet even after Alexander got back.

The following morning the doctors informed us that we may see Sofia, but one person at a time so that we don't overwhelm her. The first to enter was Alexander, who I'm sure just entered the room a quickly got out. Next it was Matteo who took his precious time in the room. Once he was out I went into the room and saw Sofia staring at the white and blank ceiling as if it was the most interesting thing in the room. "Hey, I'm..." Before I could finish my sentence Sofia cut me off "Get out." She said in a low, but firm tone. "No Sofia you cannot force me away, until I explain myself." She just started laughing. "Excuse me, I'm just laughing at something I thought of, but you really need to leave Lorenzo I'm not in the mood of arguing with you." She said as she turned to look at the wall opposite me. "So, the blondie you saw in my office is, no was a fling of mine I cut her off once I met you.". "Oh okay good for you." She said in an irritated tone. "And I didn't kiss her the moment you entered the room she had just kissed me I swear." I told her. "Lorenzo I think it's just best we part ways once I recover I'm going to resign and look for another job somewhere else.". "Sofia for goodness sake can you just stop and think for a minute instead of making rushed decisions." These words got her attention and she turned towards me.

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