Chapter 18

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4 months later

Sofia's POV:

"I can't believe that I'm going to be giving birth in less than two months." I told Matteo, who is currently ignoring my yapping. I think it's time I move back to America, I promised myself that I would never sulk over a man. Moreover think of the same man everyday, but he is not just a man he is the father of my unborn twins. Yes, you heard that right. The day I found out I was both happy and sad that Lorenzo wasn't there with me to receive the news.

A week after I had moved to Cape Town, Lorenzo called me and let me know that he is willing to give me the space I need, but ever since then I noticed new neighbors moving into the villa next door and each time I leave the house I feel like they are following me. They are very friendly though so I don't have a problem, mostly because John one of the 4 friends who moved next to me knows how to cook delicious meals. His meals are so nutritious, him and the other three boys Cole, Luis and Damien really keep me company in this big house. My brother's went on with their lives two weeks after I moved back. I had asked them to continue living their lives as they were before.

"Sofia are you listening?" Cole asked. "Oh I'm so sorry I zoned out, may you please repeat what you were saying. Pretty please." I said. "Never mind it's fine." He said and I immediately reached my hand out and he grabbed it and helped me up. "Are you sure that you only have one child in there?" Cole asked and this grabbed the other boys attention. "Yea duh. Wait are you trying to call me fat?" I asked as I faked being hurt by his question. "Nooo I didn't mean it like that, its just that you know I'm a surgeon and your belly looks way too big for it to be carrying one child." Cole replied with an apologetic look on his face. I decided to mess with them "I think it is probably, because the father is... sorry was a big man, what can I say I like my man big." I said as I looked at Damien who is the bulkiest among the man. They all gave me an apologetic look "It's fine boys I will get over it, I'm even thinking of naming him after his dad." I informed them as I looked down at my belly and rubbed it.

Once the boys had left I went to my room and started packing my belongings. I think it is time to go back home. I quickly booked a flight and then I went to shower. It had been a while since I had travelled in this past few months I was always cooped up inside and barely went out. I shut out the world and focused on my work, yes Lorenzo allowed me to work. I saw his face almost every week via Skype during our meetings. I always try to not glance in his direction, but the heart knows what it wants and right now I need to be in his arms or at least have him near me. I can't be selfish and have him miss his children's birth. And did I mention the fact that he tripled my paycheque.

After I'm done showering I take my luggage to my car which was in the garage. Lucky today the chauffeur parked it in. It was now about 1 am and I'm sure the boys were sleeping. Thank goodness the garage doesn't make a noise while opening. As soon as I was out I speed out of the estate so that I'm not followed and also, because my flight leaves in an hour. Guess I will be missing my check in.

Luckily there were barely any cars on the road, so made it to the airport in less than 30 minutes. I quickly checked in and made my way to the first class cabin. I was so eager to see him that I booked a direct flight . Once the plane took off I made myself comfortable and slept.

"Miss, miss, good morning I'm Emma I hope you are enjoying your time here,what would you like to have for breakfast?" A young flight attendant asked as she looked at me sweetly

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"Miss, miss, good morning I'm Emma I hope you are enjoying your time here,what would you like to have for breakfast?" A young flight attendant asked as she looked at me sweetly. "Hi I am thank you, how are you?" I asked her. "I'm good thank you miss." She replied. "Is it fine if I could skip breakfast I would like to go back to sleep." I told her. " I'm sorry miss, not to sound rude, but don't you think you need to eat something, even if it's something light like a salad. You have been here for more than 10 hours and I'm sure you probably ate last evening." She said with a concerned expression. "Okay please prepare me a light meal and my I please have it with a bottle of non alcohol red wine if you have it." I asked, when I was 5 months in my pregnancy I would always crave alcohol and would spend the whole day negging my brothers on why and how I got pregnant in the first place. Matteo would always reply with a sarcastic response, one day Alexander got tired of my negging and told me of the great thing. Non alcohol alcohol. Since then I have stocked up the house with red wine. And no I'm not an alcoholic it's these damn hormones. "Okay miss, I think we might have a bottle or two, I will be right back.".

Once my food was done I decided to FaceTime two idiot. "My loves how are y..." Before I could finish my sentence Matteo cut me off I hate it when that happens. "Where the h..." Before he could finish his own sentence Alexander cut him off, ohh I love it when he does that. "Don't tell me that you are going back home." He mentioned with a sort of disappointed expression. "Oh come on we all know that it was only a matter of time."I told them. "Oh well good luck." Matteo said. "Yea, what he said. By the way when are you planning to announce  your pregnancy to your parents?." Alexander asked.

I turned pale for a while, it's not that I didn't want to tell my parents about the pregnancy I really do. I'm just not ready to see the disappointment on their faces, because in my tradition what I have just done is unacceptable. That's why I would hide my pregnancy from my parents whenever they came to visit me. I will probably ask them to come over when I'm less than a month away from giving birth, because I don't want them to miss out on being there when their first grandkids are born.

"I will see when the time is right." I told them then we continued to talk for a while. "Sis as much as we would love to talk to you we have a meeting in about ten minutes, travel safe and call or text us once you land and also once you have arrived to your destination, Lorenzo." Alexander announced and we ended the call. I think it's time to fall back into my slumber.

After about 13hours my flight landed and I sent a text to my brothers and got a cab to go to the lions dan.


Hi loves I'm back again. I'm sorry for the on and offs, but this time I'm back for good, because I want to wrap up with my book.

Once again thank you for your support

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