Chapter 6

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Sofias POV:

The week went by fast it's currently Thursday and I just got back from work I was about to take an Uber, but Leo showed up out of nowhere and offered me a ride.

I'm in the kitchen eating the dinner that Susan had made for me before she left. While eating I receive a call from my mom.

"Makadii mama" I said with a huge smile.
(Translation: how are you mother)

"Ndiripo urisei ikoko?" my mother asked with her lovely voice.

(Translation: I'm fine how are you that side?)

"I'm fine mommy." I told her

"I'm glad, sweetheart hope you good and you ate something, because I know you, you sometimes don't take care of yourself." My mom lectured me.

"Mom I'm fine you call me everyday and say the same thing, plus you hired Susan she's taking really good care of me don't worry." I told her.

"Well honey I'm glad and I should worry you my baby and I have never really been this far away from you." My mom told me in a sad voice.

"I know mom I miss you too, but I'm a big girl now I won't stay as your baby forever."I said

"Sofia Tafadzwa Isabella Mahlangu!!" Oh no that's not a good sign, the only time she says all three of my names is when I'm in deep shii.

So I did what any normal person does when they in deep shii with their parent on the phone I took the nearest paper and started crumpling it.

"Sorry mom my ne-ne-network is b-bad"I told her while smiling.

"Tafadzwa you have used this trick on me multiple times! Don't you d..." Before she could finish her sentence I hung up on her.

That was when I knew that I'm a living dead person. So I switched of my phone and went on my MacBook and started searching for coffins. Just as I was about to order one. Andrea FaceTimes me I pick up.

"Andrea you called just on time I'm inviting you to my funeral please don't forget to come." I asked her seriously. She bursts into laughter and even fell off her bed. I don't get why she's laughing I'm very serious the woman I call my mother is crazy I tell you and I just hung up on her.

I sigh and Andrea is still on the floor laughing her ass out or is it off, I don't know I live in one weird and complicated generation. I just set there in deep thought about me funeral until Andrea started speaking.

"Okay I'm done now I promise." She said trying to hold in her laughter.

"Andrea are you able to come over?" I asked her with a smile.

"Okay lemme just inform my brother first coz his not around." My smile grew wider.

"Okay bye see you when I see you." I told her.

20 minutes later........

I hear my door bell ringing and went downstairs to open the door for Andrea.

"Andrea I'm so glad you could make it"

"Yea me too, so what's this thing of you inviting me to your funeral what did you do?"

I explained to her what happened and by the end she of the story she was back to how she was on the FaceTime.

"Oh my word Andrea help me find a coffin now will you."I told her.

"Shut up Sofia now let do something more serious and let's plan our weekend." She told me the audacity of this hun she tells me my funeral isn't serious.

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