Chapter 8

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Sofias POV:


He then stares at me and comes to sits on the stairs by the patio

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He then stares at me and comes to sits on the stairs by the patio.

"Andri, how are you doing." He asks Andrea. Who was on the phone the whole time, but when she hears his voice she looks up and smiles like a kid in a store full of candy.

She then stands up and goes to hug him very tight and he hugs her back and kisses her on her forehead. And I think I got jealous of that kiss.

While they are talking I look at what Lorenzo is wearing it is a beige suit jacket with what looks like a white vest under along with a seaweed green pants. Damn I have never met a guy who can pull off that combo.

I then hear my name being called.

"Oh Sofia this is my brother Lorenzo." She stated proudly.

"Oh you don't have to introduce us." He said with a smile and I could see his hazel  eyes turning into a very dark shade from checking out my outfit.

"Why?" She asked looking confused.

"Because I work for him." I said and Andrea looked taken back then she smiled.

Just as she was about to say something Leo walked in.

"Hey foooo..." he stopped when he saw me.

"Hey Sofia long time no see, how you doing?" He asked.

"I'm good thanks and you Leo?" Before he could answer Andrea playfully punched him on his shoulder.

"Wait so you only see her, what about me." She whined like a baby.

Which had me wondering if they a thing.

"But I asked you how you were this morning." He said giving her a slight peck on her lips.

So my hypothesis was correct.

"Awweee y'all make a cute couple right Boss man." I said looking at Lorenzo.

He jus glared at Leo then smiled at Andrea. "I'm going to change." He said then he left.

"So Sofia whatcha you doing here?" He asked while he was walking to the couch in front of me with Andrea in front of him. They sat there with Andrea in the middle of his legs.

"Awwe y'all are just so cute." I told them with an adoring smile.

"And Leo I'm here, because I'm Andrea friend." I told him and he nod.

"By the way Sofia don't think I missed the way you and my brother were looking at each other, there was a lot of tension Leo, luckily you came, because I was dying." She said.

"And he even told me to make sure that the male employees are no where near you at work." Leo said with a smirk.

I was surprised why would he do such.

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