Chapter 15

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Sofia's POV:

I felt a kiss on my forehead and smiled. "Morning Sofia.". I slowly opened my eyes and gave him a lazy smile. "Wake up princess." He told me. "But I'm tired." I complained. "You know its like 12 in the morning right." He told me. "Oh shit." I said as I quickly got up and went into his closet to find an oversized hoodie I can wear so that I leave his room. I quickly wore an adidas hoodie and was about to rush out of his room when his arm grabbed mine. He gave me a quick kiss then let me go. "Don't worry I told them that you are asleep and that you told me to tell them to not worry you, because you are on your period." He explained. "Oh thank you." I said before I sprinted out of his room.

As I opened the door of the room I was supposed to be in I saw Andrea and my brothers having the time of their lives. The music they were listening to was to load luckily these walls are soundproof. They all had drinks in their hands, I sometimes wonder how a person is able to drink so early.

"Look what the cat dragged in." Alexander said as soon as I walked in. "Hey guys what are y'all doing here." I asked. "Oh we heard that our little sis is on that time of the month and decided to drop by with sweet red wine and dark chocolate since it helps you. Only to find out that." Before Matteo could finish I cut him off. "Oh I just went to Lorenzo's room for a shower my shower wasn't working." I said. "Since 9?" Alexander asked. "Nah, I mean yea I fell asleep in his bed afterwards coz he decided to sleep in my room so that I may shower properly." I explained.

"Gurl I was gonna back you up, but that lie." Then Andrea died of laughter. "Y'all are confusing me, please leave I wanna change or else." Before I could finish my sentence Alexander interrupted me. "Or else what?" He asked and Matteo giggled "Imagine not being part of this family." he added, I look at Andrea who was trying so hard not to betray me by laughing. "Lorenzo I'm being bullied." I screamed as I opened the door.

After a few minutes Lorenzo got out of his room . "What's going on here?" He asked using his I'm in charge voice, but I could tell he wanted to laugh. The twins just smiled sheepishly and Andrea just put her hands up in surrender and left my room the twins followed behind her. "Are you busy?" I asked him. "No why?" He asked with a smirk. "No nothing it's fine." I was about to close the door when he slipped in.

"Lorenzo, please leave I wanna shower plus my parents may see us and get the wrong idea.". "What can't I be a concerned boss who's checking up on his employee?" He asked. "You know what I think I have been in enough arguments today lemme go and shower." I told him as I left the room. I got into the bathroom and took off his hoodie I then turned on the shower and brushed my teeth with a new toothbrush I saw on the basin .

I put on a shower cap and began to shower. About 20 minutes later I finished and wiped my body then wore a gown I saw in the bathroom. I opened the door only to find Lorenzo chilling comfortably in my room. Ignoring him I looked for my toilet bag then a new set of clothes. The housekeeper's had already packed my clothes in the closet. I then went back into the bathroom and got changed I wore a biker shorts with a tank top, then I added my eco crocs slides with nike socks.

I went into my room and saw my phone on the nightstand. As I opened it I saw missed calls from my parents, I decided to call them.

"Hello mama." I greeted her. "Hie Sofia our plane is about to take off. We are sorry for the late notice, your dad and I have to leave for Russia, he got a last minute meeting and it is very important for him to be there." She explained. "Okay mama, its okay I hope you have a safe trip and tell dad I said all the best..." Before I could say anything further the phone dropped and I was sure they had taken off.

I continued ignoring Lorenzo who was busy with something on this MacBook. Feeling a bit hungry I decided to order burgers. I ordered a few so that everyone may have enough. "Are Your housekeepers preparing lunch?" I asked Lorenzo. He turned to me and smiled "Yes I think so, I'm sure it will be ready by 2, wait lemme call the head chef and ask him to hurry up, because I'm sure you must be starving." He said. "Nah it's fine don't worry I ordered burgers for everyone you may ask them to make something for themselves unless you don't eat burgers, then you may join them." I said. "No it's fine I will let the chef know.".

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