Chapter 2

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A picture of Andrea above ⬆️

Sofia's POV:

Once Andrea told me that her brother is coming we decided to order takeout. I do know how to cook but I'm not in the mood plus jet lag is finally kicking in. Andrea and I talked for a while I learned that she is mixed half Italian and American.

Damn and to think that I always wanted to have babies with an Italian guy. Maybe my dream will come true.

When I saw that it was around 7 I showed Andrea around the apartment she didn't seem really faced ,but threw in compliments on how it's really breathtaking. Earlier she had asked me if I was rich when we got into the apartment,because she said that the apartments this side are hella expensive. Bet she got her answer.

Once I was done showing her around I went to take a shower,because I have a feeling we are gonna drink like there is no tomorrow,and I won't be able to bath drunk. While bathing I heard the doorbell ring downstairs. That must be Andreas brother.

Lorenzo's POV:

I just finished working after I had got the call from Andrea, my baby sister. At times I swear that little thing is going to be the death of me.

I was currently in an elevator on my way to my penthouse to go grab Andreas stuff that she will need at her new friends house.

I'm not really found of her hanging out with people but she sounded so happy I couldn't say no to her. After all she's my baby sister I want her to enjoy her young adult life like me. New York's playboy.I let out a dry chuckle as I pack Andreas stuff.

Once I was done,I went to my underground parking lot and got in my Bugatti

I love collecting cars and have over 20 cars 5 of them are Bugatti's I so love that brand

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I love collecting cars and have over 20 cars 5 of them are Bugatti's I so love that brand. I know what you thinking how do those cars fit in my penthouse well I don't really live there. The only time I'm there with Andrea is when I have a busy week. If I don't I will be at my house.

As I was following the location that Andrea sent me I realised that the place is where most rich New Yorkers stay. So at least she's safe either way she always has bodyguards with her even though she doesn't know it.

Once I made it to the door I rang the doorbell. And a very happy looking Andrea opened the door and killed me with a bear hug.
"Lenzo thank you very much I really appreciate it." She said with a wide smile.

"It's a pleasure Andrea you know I would do anything for you." She was just there smiling none stop. "Soooo you ain't gonna invite me in,and where is this friend of yours." She gave me this sneaky look and said"Are you really eager to meet my friend? And she bathing there is take away in the kitchen if you wanna eat."

I scoffed and told her that " I couldn't careless about her friend and that I have a date to get to." She asked with who and I told her that it was none of her business we talked for a while I even found out that her friend is loaded. Not that I care but I'm glad my little sister won't be used for money. That's something she went through in high school and the reason she doesn't really like socialising with people.

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