Chapter 4

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Long chapter as promise than you guys for all your support❤️‼️

Lorenzo's picture above ⬆️

Lorenzo's POV :

I was currently with Leo waiting for one of my new employee that I haven't yet met. Yesterday I had to spend time with Andrea because she wasn't feeling well and I was afraid of leaving her alone. She said she wasn't fine, but I know my baby sister she just didn't wanna bother me.

While Leo and I were talking an Uber pulled up in front of us and a very beautiful lady walked out. I don't think she's above 23 she is slim on the waist but very curvy on the hips. Her jacket brought out her cleavage which was way too much for my liking, I mean how did she even leave the house looking like that. She should at least zip it.

But damn her track pants are making me hard how is one so gifted. I have seen many women in front of me even have different women every night but they ain't that big behind them.

Her outfit scream I'm in charge and by the looks of it she looked like she has got the bag. She didn't look like a struggling person.

She walked up to us and greeted Leo and then had a small talk with him. How rude don't they see me by they I mean her( you know what I mean). Once they were done Leo turned to me and introduced me by the nickname he gave me as kids. How unprofessional.

Sometimes I feel like firing Leo but either way his just gonna show up at my company and to think that he also has his own company to run. This guy is very good at multitasking.

"Umm miss Sofia how are you?" I asked with a blank face and straight lips.
"Um, I'm good thanks and you sir?"she said.
Once she was done saying that Leo burst in tears laughing so hard that made the poor girl worry. So she stepped on his toes and that shut him up.

Wow didn't expect that since Leo told me that he told her he was her supervisor,but it seems that she doesn't care.

Once Leo was done laughing he introduced me by what I was her Boss.

She looked horrified but covered it with with a smile and a "Um morning boss" and she was very confident when she said that which I like. Most women are shy around me or too flirty but she didn't show any of those, which I love.

We went around the site she was mostly talking with Leo and avoiding me. Which to be honest at this moment I was jealous of Leo, because he got to talk to her and she looked so carefree and comfortable around him. Then there was me her boss who she didn't even talk to except when I asked her something.

It was now lunchtime and Leo offered her to come with us since apparently she's new in New York and apparently also Leo's bestie.

"What can I get you?" The waiters asks while looking at Sofia as if we were not also there.
" May I please get a the Original DB Burger, DB Bistro Moderne." She said without looking at the menu. Leo and I just looked at each other.
"Okay for you my lady it's on the house." The waiter told. I don't know why but that made my blood boil I'm gonna as the manager to fire this guy. I can't have my employees flirting with their customers around people in my 5 star restaurant.

Sofia gave him a smile but this one looked wicked "I don't need free stuff if I can pay it for myself but why don't you put that idea to good use and give poor homeless children." Too say I was taken aback was a lie, Leo and I just looked at each other once again.

Sofia raised up her hand and requested for a new waiter. The new waiter came and took in all our orders.

"Well Sofia I didn't know you were feisty." Leo told her. She just looked up and smiled then told him "Oh you haven't seen half of it." She told him then asked him. "Um Leo are they children shelters near by?" She asked Leo.
"Well yea. Why ask?" He asked her.

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