Chapter 16

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Sofia's POV:

As soon as Lorenzo's cousin and uncle left his assistant walked them out, it was just the two of us left in the room. "Andrea was asking if you are able to meet her before she leaves I'm dropping her off at the airport.". "Yea I would love that, what time is her plane departing?" I asked. "Around 9, so she will probably leave the house around 7:30.". "Okay so I will be there once I'm done working." I told him. "Okay I can go with you after work if you don't mind and don't worry about your car my driver my drop it by your place." He told me. "Okay thank you so much I would appreciate that, bye." With that I left the boardroom and headed to my office I then set down and started working.

I had a piled up desk and was so busy with work that I didn't notice Tony entering my office. "Sofia, Mr Lorenzo sent you lunch." He told me as he set across me. "Thanks Tony.". "No problem now take a break and eat, I was ordered not to leave your office until you are done eating." His statement met me burst into laughter. I opened the food bag and found two big disposable bowls one had chicken salad and the other a beef salad. I wasted no time and quickly started munching while nodding my head to everything Tony was saying. "There I'm done you may now go back to your boss.". With that Tony left and I continued working.

My tummy started growling when I looked over at the clock it was 4:50, I guess it's a sign for me to start packing up and head to Lorenzo's office. His office was just one floor above mine. As the elevator opened I didn't see Tony on his desk and assumed that he went home. I was about to open the door when Tony rushed over to trying to stop me, but it was too late. The door was already halfway way open and I saw Lorenzo making out with a women who had blonde hair.

I locked eyes with him for a brief second and walked out of his office and rushed to the parking area, Lorenzo was behind me yelling my name but I wasn't having it. I got into my car and locked my doors, Lorenzo went in front of my car so I reversed it so that I may take another exit, as I reversed I saw Lorenzo on the phone and he seemed to be shouting at someone. As I drove home I decided to call Andrea, she picked up after the first ring.

"Heyyy Sofia.". "Hey Andrea, I'm sorry something came up I won't be able to come and meet you before you leave."I said in a quavering voice. "What's wrong Sofia are you okay?"she asked concerned. "Yea I guess, I'm sure I will be. Andrea thank you so much for welcoming me into your life, I really appreciate you." I told her. I looked at my rear-view mirror and see a very familiar car following me, I speed up and decided on driving in the highway in order to lose him. "Sofia! Are you listening to me?". "Ummm yea I am, shit Andr..." Everything happened so fast, one minute a child is running on the road the next I'm upside down in my car. Then everything went black.

Lorenzo's POV:

Shit Sofia should have not seen that. Chloe is obsessed with me she is a model I use to have a flings with. Don't people notice the signs, it's crystal clear that I want nothing to do with her. These past few months I have been ignoring her calls and texts and I told my security team not to let her get past them. But unfortunately she managed to do so today, because she was disguised as someone else and came in with a fake identification. I really need to up my security, I was arguing with her for a while then she kissed me and before I could push her away Sofia walked in. If she had just opened the door a few seconds later she wouldn't have seen her on me. I asked Tony to get Chloe out of the building and blacklist her, before I ran after a very calm, but pissed Sofia.

And boy was she fast, she got into her car before I could reach her. So I resorted to my only option I stood in front of her car and then took out my phone to call the head of security to tell him that no one is allowed to leave. As I look up Sofia had reversed and got away. I quickly rushed over to my car and drove after her my street racing skills finally paid off as I drove like a mad man to catch up with Sofia. Sofia had really good driving skills and boy was she fast. She took an off route, which lead to a high way and I followed her. I called Andrea, but her line was busy.

From a distance I saw a child standing by the side walk playing with a ball, then the ball rolled into the road the boy ran after his ball. The next thing I saw was Sofia's car rolling up until it stopped. My heartbeat stopped for a moment and my eyes got watery. I quickly called 911 and informed them of what had happened then ran out to go take a look at Sofia. I got to her car only to see her face bruised. I gently pulled her out of the car and took her away from it incase it exploded. I laid her in the back of my car and waited for the ambulance, the pieces of glass that where all over her body pained me. "Sofia I'm so sorry." I apologised as tears ran down my eyes. "You know even though we have known each other for a few months I think I really,really like you." I said as I caressed her bruised cheek. I then held her unbruised hand and prayed.

About 10 minutes later I heard the sound of an ambulance, it parked behind my car and paramedics rushed over and gently lifted Sofia in a lifter. "Excuse me sir how are you related to the victim?" I didn't think twice and answered " I'm her husband.". "Okay sir are you going to drive to the hospital or do you want to ride with us in the ambulance?" The paramedics asked. "I will ride along with the ambulance." And with that I followed the paramedics. I set next to Sofia in the ambulance and held her hand while the paramedics analysed her.

We got to the hospital and I let go of her arm as the nurses took her into the ICU . I looked at my phone a called Andrea. "Hey, why haven't you been picking up my calls?" She asked sounding worried. "Hey I was busy with something important, what's wrong?" I asked, I wasn't just going to burst out load that her friend was in an accident. "I was on a call with Sofia a while ago and the phone hang up, but before it did there was a scream and the sound of a car brake. I tried calling different police stations to ask if there was any reported accident, but nothing." She told me. I signed before I spoke up"Andrea, Sofia was involved in and accident, I'm currently at the hospital and she's in the intensive care unit. A scream came from the other end of the phone and then the call hanged up. I quickly called the head of security at home and ordered him not to let Andrea leave the house without a driver.

A nurse came to me and I went to the reception to fill in the paperwork, I have been sited for an hour now and the doctors haven't updated me on how she's doing. "Lorenzo, what have you done this time?" I quickly looked up and saw an angry looking Andrea with Sofia's brothers. "Nothing I swear.        ." I said in a warning voice. "How is she doing?" Asked Alexander sounding concerned. "I'm not sure the doctors haven't said anything yet, but the condition I found her in wasn't life threatening." I lied to make them feel better because if I had told them they truth I don't think they would have handled it. A doctor then walked towards us "Mr Ferrari your Fiancé is still in a critical condition, but is now out of surgery. Don't stress too much about it she's a fighter we almost lost her in the theatre, but she fought. Oh one last thing congratulations Mr Ferrari you are soon going to be a dad soon."

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Word count: 1508

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