*I seem to be better at 3rd person Pov for some reason, so I'm gonna do that for a while, till I add some Angst :>*
3rd person Pov:
Jim groaned slowly, opening his eyes. He was blinded by the extremely bright streetlights.
"Jim! You're ok." Toby said, before pulling him into a hug. "I'm not gonna lie, I thought you died, and I started planning your funeral."
"Thanks?" Jim said, not knowing what to say to that.
He saw Claire lying on the ground, a little farther from him.
"Is she-?!"
"She's fine, master Jim. Just a bit startled. Aaarrrggghhh will take her inside, so she can get some rest."
Jim attempted to get up, but his legs felt stuck to the ground.
"Little help?"
Toby expected to be able to pull him up easily, but failed.
"Dude! What did you eat?"
"I didn't."
Toby tried again with the help of Blinky. Even so, the two combined could not get him up.
"Aaarrrggghhh my friend, we could use a little assistance."
He had just returned from putting Claire in her living room. With a little struggle, he was able to get Jim off of the asphalt road.
"What was that?"
"Maybe the cloud was a sticky spell or something?" Toby suggested.
Blinky gasped in recognition of the strange cloud.
"By gorgus! This is a snake chain curse, as you humans say."
"What's that?" Jim asked.
"Made by Morgana in ages past. The curse was used to scare enemies, and later kill them."
"What?! How does it work?" Jim asked.
"Only you can seem to be able to see it, but usually it's visible to everyone."
"Just tell me how it works."
"It's called snake chain for a reason, master Jim. At your weakest times, a single moment you doubt yourself, a snake will add another chain to your soul, eventually killing you."
Toby and Jim looked at Blinky with their mouths hung open. Aaarrrggghhh had dropped the cat he was attempting to eat in shock.
"Wait wait, so what do I do now?"
"I need some more time to research. But don't fret master Jim. I'm telling you that to help stop the snakes from overtaking you, and as a friend. Try to ignore it and continue with your life. Aaarrrggghhh and I will come get you when we figure it out."
"Thanks Blinky."
"Don't worry buddy. He'll figure it out. Now, we should probably go home, it's almost 10pm." He paused, and grinned, "I feel so rebellious! Out. Past my curfew!"
They both tried to find their way in the dark, but soon got lost since their phones had died.
"Need a hand?" Someone asked.
"Douxie?" Jim asked, knowing the answer when he turned around. Douxie's blue hair, and accent was unmistakable, even in the dark.
"It's not safe to be out here so late. The neighborhoods are that way." He said, pointing behind him.
"Douxie. We need your help."
"You mean finding your way home right?"
"No. I have a curse I need to get rid of."
"What are you talking about?" Douxie asked, playing dumb.
"I know who you are, Merlin's apprentice."
He dropped the act, and signaled for Archie to come out of the cafe, where he watched the whole thing.
"Seems we can drop the cat act now." Archie said, pushing his glasses up.
"Who are you two?"
"We are Trollhunters." Toby responded. "Both of us."

Fallen Hero (Check Author's note!)
Fantasía-When 'Former Trollhunter' James lake, reset time he intended for his best friend Tobias Domzalski to become the new Trollhunter. The sad truth is then revealed that, no matter what he does, the timeline will remain the same. Forever, and always. To...