Thank you for sticking around this long~!
I really enjoyed writing this book and I've already started the next. You can find the next book on my profile. It's called, "Feels like a dream."
I'll still be editing this book since it has a few mistakes. It may seem a bit fast-paced, but that's because I didn't want to write a bunch of filler in between. A lot of parts I wanted to add were pretty boring so I only stuck with the important parts. I also feel like it lost a lot of its emotion as I progressed, so I have to add that back in. I'll take away the *Still editing chapters* on the title once I'm finished :)
Again, thank you for sticking around for my first Wattpad fanfiction~!
Things to keep in mind when you read book two:
In chapter 4, Zong-shi says: "Why try when your destiny is to be stuck in this loop?"
In chapter 9, the curse was really them trying to collide the timelines together. The reason Jim's feet were stuck to the ground is because of Douxie's former "sticky spell" in ROTT:
Jim attempted to get up, but his legs felt stuck to the ground.
***Another note. Nearly half a year later. Nothing in this story went how I wanted it to. I didn't really have a plan, screwed up half-way, and had to end it abruptly. I changed the story in the middle as well as plot, so the first half and second half don't really belong together. I'm going to try really hard to re-do it though! I already have a plan this time!***

Fallen Hero (Check Author's note!)
Fantasía-When 'Former Trollhunter' James lake, reset time he intended for his best friend Tobias Domzalski to become the new Trollhunter. The sad truth is then revealed that, no matter what he does, the timeline will remain the same. Forever, and always. To...