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3rd person Pov:

"I didn't get a good look at the person, but they said 'Eclipse is mine to command', so maybe Jim has an evil twin!"

"No way. I've known him since forever, and there's no way-"

"It is possible. If this 'Jim' is from the future, then he may be lying to cover up his evil secrets." Blinky suggested.

"No way. Jim is-"

"I'm what?" Jim said, walking into the room.

"Everyone here thinks you have an evil twin. Tell them they're crazy!"

"Why did you come to the conclusion that I have an evil twin?"

"Because I had this crazy memory and-"

Vendel coughed, alerting everyone of his presence. All the noise stopped, and all eyes went to him. Draal walked in, and looked around confused.

"What is happening here?"

"They think I have an evil twin."

"An- Ha! That's-" Draal said, stumbling over his words, laughing.

Jim joined him, as they both laughed at the theory. Claire grumbled, and grabbed her things. She hopped off the tall, stone chair, and walked to the exit.

"Where are you going?"

"My parents are probably worried sick! I've been gone for the entire school day, and an extra 2 hours. I doubt they're going to buy my 'I'm studying' excuse any longer. I have to go."

Future timeline, Claire's Pov:

"Now if 'x' is 29..."

I rolled my pencil back and forth, my gaze would probably bore a hole into the wall in front of me. Toby is dead, Barbara is practically drowning in her own depression, Douxie blames himself for what happened to Nari and Nomura, and Jim is gone. I stopped the pencil with my index finger, and gripped it as the professor started giving us notes.

Is there a way to go to the timeline Jim is stuck in? What if I used the heart... No, that wouldn't work. I still have bits of the Kronosphere, but there's no guarantee it'll be the same timeline. I'm going to try anyway! We already lost so many people, and I'm not letting Jim be another one.

I ran out of the room, when people started scattering around. I sprinted into my dorm, and flipped through the spell books Blinky gave me. I automatically shut them when I realized they wouldn't help me. I reached into my drawer, and pulled out the Kronosphere piece I still had. It had stopped glowing, and looked like your ordinary crystal. I grabbed a shattered piece of Excalibur, and closed my eyes.

"Hope this works."

I struck the stone, with the enchanted metal.

*Very very short chapter, but this is all I had so far.*

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