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Jim's Pov:

I waited in the hospital room, waiting for my mom to come bursting into the room any second. Claire was completely passed out from all of the smoke.

Why didn't she portal out of there?

I looked over at the TV in the room. "Knight in shining armor saves a person from fire!" "Who is this mysterious knight?"

Thankfully, I had covered my face and nobody knew who I was. But Claire on the other hand...

"James Lake Jr. !" She came in, yelling at me.

I cringed at the sound of her loud, angry voice. She walked over to me, and stood next to me. My eyes were focused on the ground, and my heart felt as if it was lined with guilt.

It's been so long since I've lied to her.

"You went into a fire? To save someone?" She asked, her voice softening.

I lifted my head up for a second, and gave her a small nod, before returning to my previous position.

If I told you what really happened, you wouldn't believe me.

She bent down and hugged me. My previously upside down smile, was rightside up again.

"Oh, honey... You always put others before yourself." She stopped, "But."

The eerie silence was unsettling. The hospital machines, and people whispered in the background.

"You could have died! What were you thinking?"

"I'm sorry mom."

"Sorry won't cut it. I want an explanation, not an apology. You've started disappearing for eight hours at a time. Do you know how worried I am about you? You come back late, and tired, and-"

"Mom. I can explain everything, just-" I looked over at Claire. "Just let her wake up first."

She inhaled sharply, and straightened herself.

"Fine. But Jim, you better not lie to me."

She spun around and left the room. I let out a shaky breath, and looked back over at Claire. Her eyes were wide open, and looking up at me.

"Hey Jim."

"How did you even get here?"

"I- I have no idea. What happened?" She asked.

"Well, you got stuck in a fire, everyone saw me helping you, and now they're looking for-"

"'The Knight in Shining Armor'" She said, looking at the TV, "So, what do we do now?"

"I don't know. We're pretty much screwed when your parents get here."

"Why? Other than them being concerned for their daughter, what else is there to worry about?" Mom asked, walking into the room.

"Oh- I didn't see you there."

"Tell me now." she demanded, "You two are hiding something. I looked through the reports. Nobody could possibly survive an hour in a gigantic fire without any special gear."

"Um... I- I'll tell you everything."

"Jim. Are you sure?" Claire asked.

"I told a bunch of other people, and they're fine."

"What are you two whispering about?"

This is really serious. You can't tell anyone about this."

"And why not?" She questioned, suspiciously.

I told her everything. What happened before, the trolls, me being the Trollhunter, and Claire explained how she got stuck in the fire.

"I had used up all of my energy defending myself from this weird... thing. Then, I woke up and I was stuck in that building with fire around me."

She stumbled back a little after we explained everything. I had shown her my armor, and Claire showed her some of her magic.

"I need some time to process this." She said, then left the room in a hurry.

"Will she be ok?" She asked me.

"She'll be fine. I mean, she's been through this before."

She pulled me down by the collar and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"I'm glad you're still alive." She said, pulling me into a tight embrace.

Toby and... Claire? They came in, and Claire looked shocked.

"Who is that?" She asked, pointing at herself.

"I'm you from Jim's old timeline."

"Wait, how are there two of you?" Toby asked, confused. "Did something happen with Claire before too?"

I let out a nervous laugh. I hadn't told them about me and Claire yet.

"Jim didn't tell you?" Claire asked from beside me, "We're dating."

"What!?" Claire and Toby said in shock.

(Let the obsessive Jlaire writing commence. It's unhealthy how long I've been waiting to say that.)

P.S. - Sorry for the long wait on the next chapter ≡(▔﹏▔)≡ I just got a puppy and he's a big attention seeker. Also, the next chapter is just kinda awkward.

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