"I won't stop till 'it's' dead."

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3rd person Pov:

"What is the meaning of this?!" Queen Coranda exclaimed, "How did they get through?"

Buildings had crumbled to the ground. People were running from the growing number of Morando's troops on the ground. Aja ran through the crowd and shot her serrator at the soldiers, to no avail. She panicked, looking around.

"Mama! I was trying to find you or papa, but I couldn't. I'm sorry." She said, running up to her, "The serrators aren't working on them. They have some sort of protection on them!"

The queen kept her focus on the decreasing troops of Akiridion-5 soldiers.

"Get Krel, go to the mothership, and get out of here. Now."


"Aja Tarron, go grab your brother and leave here at once. I don't want you to be in danger. We will figure out what happened."

Aja ran as fast as she could to where she left Krel. She was scared. Scared for her parents. Scared that her brother wouldn't be there. Scared for the people of Akiridion-5. She heard a guttural yell from behind her.


She saw a strange figure holding her mother's core. It had some strange metal clothes on it.

"You- You're the..."

He crushed the glowing blue core in his hands and looked right at her. He pointed the strange dulled gold and silver metal at her.

"You're next."

She ran, panicked and afraid. She had finally reached the place where she had left her younger brother. Aja slammed the door open to find him staring mindlessly at the screen in front of him.

"Is she..?"

"There is no time! Mama wanted us to leave, we have to go! That thing is outside-"

"Aja! Listen to yourself. You never listen to anyone, and all of a sudden you want to? We have to stay here."

She took a deep breath.

"We'll be of better use alive. If we die here it means nothing. Please. Let's do the last thing mama wanted us to do."

"What about papa?"

"I-" She stuttered out.

"What about everyone here?"

"I DON'T KNOW!" She yelled.

Aja looked outside. Chaos, destruction, and terror stood in the place of the once peaceful and most powerful planet.

"You're right. We have to help them."

At that moment, Varvatos Vex ran in, grabbed the royals without a single word, and proceeded to sprint to the mothership.

"Varvatos! We have to help-"

"We cannot!"

"Why not?!" Krel asked.

"This foe is too powerful even for the glorious Varvatos Vex. We must retreat."

"What about papa?"

"He is... gone. Zadra is already at the mothership. Mother will take you to a new, safe planet."

Aja stared at her brother as he did the same. Their parents were gone. Their home was destroyed in seconds. Innocent people died at the hands of the mysterious person.

"I..." She breathed, "I will not stop until that thing is dead. I'll do whatever it takes."

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