***May be kind of confusing because there are 2 Claires***
Douxie's Pov:
We all stared at each other as the tension in the room increased. I covered my ears for the yelling that was about to happen.
"We should kill the guards. Tear them apart, then-"
"No way." Jim said, "No tearing up anyone. We poison them all!"
"Guys..." Toby started.
"We could just get rid of them with dark magic." Claire suggested.
"No!" They all said at the same time.
"Or... You could just," He walked up to the game board and flipped it over, "Do that."
Everyone in the room became silent and stared at Toby.
"You didn't have to flip to board over on my turn." Zoe said, annoyed.
"We have to figure out how to get rid of this weird green knight and-" I got interrupted by Jim.
"We would, if we knew where he was."
He slowly began picking up the pieces of the board and more awkward silence continued. Zoe finally broke it.
"I think you're all overreacting. This guy never shows his face, hasn't come to Arcadia even once, and hasn't really done anything in general. How bad could he possibly be?"
"Very bad." Jim and Claire said at the same time.
Suddenly something in my head clicked. Merlin had taught me something a long time ago. About...
Everyone looked at me as I randomly yelled out an unfamiliar word.
"Is that like a show?" Toby asked.
"Akiridions!" Jim shouted.
"Yeah!" Claire said, joining in.
"Can someone please explain before I have to beat it out of you?" Zoe threatened.
"The Akiridions could help us. They have a bunch of technology and-"
"Who are these people again?" Toby asked.
"They're people from a planet called Akiridion-5. Really advanced."
"Aliens? Wow kiddo you've gotten yourself into a big mess. Haven't you?" Barbara said, coming down the stairs of the basement with cookies.
She set them on the table and joined in on the conversation.
"How do we find these people then?" Claire asked.
"I- I don't know."
We heard police sirens close outside, and ran out to see what was happening. They were writing a ticket for two young teenagers. One of them was furious, while the other seemed to not understand what was really happening.
"I think we found our Akiridions." Claire said.
They turned our attention towards us, and ran up to Toby.
"We require some assistance, humans." The dark haired one said.
"We do not, little brother! I'm sorry he is a bit mad that the mad human over there is giving us these thin sheets of..." She inspected the parking ticket, "What is this made of?"
"Paper." Zoe answered.
"Why are you two here?"
"We are visiting. My grandparents. Who live..." She looked around and pointed to a random direction, "There."
"We know you guys are Akiridions." Jim said from behind Zoe, "Why did you come to Earth so soon?"
"Aja! We cannot trust these people. Remember what Varvatos said? They could be bounty hunters."
The girl whose name was Aja, ignored her little brother and continued talking to us.
"We came here because someone attacked our home. Morando with the help of his new, powerful Allies. We came here to run away from them but it seems you have something else in mind."
"We need your help." Toby said.
"With what?" Her little brother asked.
"We need some help tracking down this person called the green knight. I think you could help us." I said.
"The green knight..? What does he look like?"
"He's tall, has green-ish armor, and wields a giant gold and silver sword called Excalibur." Jim replied.
"Is that who I think they are talking about?"
"Yes. I fear it is."
"Why? Do you know him?"
"Yes. He is the one who killed our parents with the help of Morando."
We all stood there in shock as Aja clenched her 4 hands.
"Why do you want to track that monster down?"
"Because..." Jim started, "We're going to end him."
Aja's eyes lit up as her brother facepalmed at her reaction.
"Aja! We cannot! We promised-"
"Hush, Krel."
"Do not 'hush' me." He snapped.
"We will help you. On one condition."
"What is it?"

Fallen Hero (Check Author's note!)
Fantasy-When 'Former Trollhunter' James lake, reset time he intended for his best friend Tobias Domzalski to become the new Trollhunter. The sad truth is then revealed that, no matter what he does, the timeline will remain the same. Forever, and always. To...