Rewrite up!

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Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've been here! I won't bore you with any life updates; rather, I have some rewrite news!

Within the next hour or so, a rewrite of Kingdom Come and Renegade will be up! It's a bit different than those two books so let me explain:

Kingdom Come will no longer be the first book in the series. Instead, it'll be a book called Chosen! There will be three books in the series now: Chosen (Book 1), Kingdom Come (Book 2), Renegade (Book 3)

There is a new main character named Aerith! Raven has been completely removed from this story. Raven will eventually reappear in a different story of mine, but that won't be for a while!

I have changed some of the lore, such as gods, along with added a few things. In each book following Chosen, there will be an index page filled with lore that has since been revealed. Hopefully, that will be easier to keep track of things in the series!

That's all the changes I can think of for now. I want to add that I don't really have a schedule I adhere to. I'll upload whenever I feel like it. But as long as I have a backlog of chapters, I will publish a chapter every other day. So today, my time is August 4th; I will publish a chapter on August 6th.

That's all I have for now! I'll leave the summary and a snippet of the prologue below!


A kind prince struggles with the turmoil in his country. He hopes some solution lies within the sister of his fiery knight. Will she be able to help him? Or will he have to find another way?

A knight of fire, a protective brother. He watches the prince closely, standing by his side diligently. Once his sister is thrown into the mix, will his loyalty last? Or is his bond to his sister stronger than his duty to the prince?

Whatever happens, it's all for the good of the world, right?

Prologue Snippet:

Starting a magical journey at the ripe age of nineteen wasn't what I expected of myself. I thought I would stay in Daegu forever, at the mercy of my parents, of course. Then I started to not feel like myself anymore, almost as if I was being... possessed?

I don't know how to describe it. I lost control of my life. Hell, I still don't even have control. It wasn't like I didn't act the same. I still did, but I had this dominating presence watching over my shoulder every single second of the day.

I felt like if I slipped up once, then... something was going to happen. Something bad. I didn't know what or why it was so scary, but I knew I couldn't let it happen.

Oh. I suppose you're very confused. I'm so sorry. I haven't explained a thing like I'm supposed to. Where do I start? Well...

I suppose at the beginning when I rose to the challenge of being the Golden One.

Though I must admit, my rise wasn't very graceful.

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