Chapter 15: Perfection

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Long live Sir Jungkook of the city of Busan.

May he see his prince become a king.

All his life he was told to be perfect.

Be the perfect guard.

Be the perfect person.

But no person can be perfect, especially not Jungkook. Jungkook is far from perfect.

He doesn't have so noble goal like Hoseok does.

He doesn't have a dream like Jin does.

He doesn't have a love like Taehyung does, well did.

To everyone, he was perfect nonetheless. He just didn't understand why. Jungkook has heard what knights in training say about him. They think he is perfect.

He isn't.

Quite the opposite, he is a mess. He overworks himself constantly. He bottles up his emotions. He isn't perfect at all.

Jimin recognized that too.

And yet he still wanted Jungkook to be his guard.

Jungkook will never forget the words Jimin said that day.

"You are human, Jungkook. That's why I want you to be my guard."

That was the first time anyone has recognized him to be human. His words helped Jungkook a lot more than Jimin knew.

He decided on that day that he wanted to see Jimin become a king.

Of course, Jimin needs to find a lover. Which leads him to the next person on his mind.


It was obvious to everyone that Jimin fell in love with Raven right when he saw her. Jungkook was all for Jimin marrying her already.

But he couldn't doubt that there was something off about Raven. It wasn't a dangerous kind of off, though. More like she is hiding something huge from the world for a good reason.

Jungkook doesn't want to pry, unlike Namjoon.

He simply wants Jimin to be happy. If that is with Raven, then so be it.

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