Chapter 9: At First Sight

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"So Yoongi... care to introduce me?"

Prince Jimin stepped forward from behind Yoongi. Raven and Jimin locked eyes immediately. Jimin felt his heart quicken, his palms getting sweaty. The butterflies started to flutter in his stomach. Raven's kind eyes held a hint of curiousity in them. Raven realized quickly what was happening.

The gods are at work.

Yoongi noticed the change in Jimin, but decided to listen to him.

"Your Majesty, this is my lovely sister, Raven. Raven, this is Prince Jimin."

Jimin extended out his hand, smile shining with kindness. Raven shook it gently, returning his smile.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Raven. I hope we can be good friends."

"Likewise. Feel free to come to me if you ever need anything."

Before they could continue the conversation, three people decided to join the fray. A woman carrying a little girl and an older man.

"Yoongi." The man roughly said.

Raven and Yoongi's head snapped toward the trio. The two of them tensed, Yoongi pushed Raven behind him.

"Yes, father?"

Hyuk ran towards Raven, holding onto her legs tightly. He could easily tell, these people are not good people. Taehyung moved so that he stood between Yoongi and his parents to stop either of them from fighting.

"I see you have come back. Great work becoming the prince's personal lap dog. Maybe you should teach your sister to do the same."

Yoongi took a threatening step forward. His hands caught on fire, he was beyond angry. He was pissed. Taehyung stopped him from going an further. His naturally goofy voice now deadly serious.


Raven grabbed the back of his arm, reminding him of his surroundings. The people around him stepped back, wanting to aviod any crossfire as much as possible. Yoongi sighed, his fire extinguished.

"I will not. Raven is her own person, you should treat her as such."

His eyes were locked on his fathers, his voice confident. In all actuality, he felt the exact opposite. He was as anxious as Hyuk on a sugar rush. The fact that their parents are standing before them was making his skin crawl. Thanks to his training, he is able to act the opposite of how he is feeling, and he thanked every single one of his superiors for it.

"Oh, so you are still an idiot, huh? Get out of here as soon as possible if you know what is best for you."

The trio turned around and started to make their way away from them. That was when Raven had enough.

"Leave Yoongi alone. Unlike you guys, he is a good person. He doesn't try to break people's souls for something he wants."

Everyone's head snapped at Raven. It was a rarity to hear her speak like that to any one. Her father started to march towards her, with the intent to hit her. Yoongi tried to stop him but he threw him aside. He raised his hand to smack her when her small hand grabbed that wrist.

"Don't you DARE."

The look in Raven's eyes was starkly different from the kindness that is always in them. It was as if someone lit a fire in her eyes. Literally. Gold hues became more prominent in her eyes, forcing their father to back away. It was silent, no one knew what to do.

Their parents left in a hurry, Yoongi stood up and brushed himself off. Yoongi looked at Raven who calmly stood there with her hands resting at her lap.

What happened when I was gone?

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