Chapter 4: Lore

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Dressed in white
Basked in light
She shall conquer
And the light shall grow stronger
She shall lead
Us to the Golden Age
And become the ethereal Sage

Long ago, the people of Sera found temples. Residing in these temples, the gods' final resting place. There they wait for the Golden One to awaken them again. In times of need, the Golden One prays. The gods' awaken, stricking down all those who dares to spread the darkness.

Centuries ago, a great darkness invaded the world. The Golden One rose once again, bringing together the kingdoms for an all out war against the darkness. They took their stand, as one, defeating the darkness forever.
Or so they thought.

The Golden One rose again. This time to conquer the hatred for those with abnormal powers. Those with the so called abnormalities, the Blessed, were each a descendent of a god. The Blessed are a rarity to find, so rare in fact, that they are hunted. They were created for one sole purpose - to aid the Golden One's quest for peace. After all, the Golden One is just one person. There is only so much one person can do. The Blessed spread light throughout the kingdoms. The Blessed reside everywhere, though most are priests and priestess.

Unfortunately, being blessed now means demonic. Blessed are now forced to hide. Hatred for the normal runs deep in the veins of the Blessed.

It is not just the prejudice against the Blessed causing darkness to rise again. It is also the rocky relationships between four out of the five main kingdoms. The kingdoms Edyn and Maris are on the brink of war. The kingdoms Thide and Aria each taking sides. The world is watching as the kingdoms of Thide and Edyn war with the kingdoms of Aria and Maris. An ancient grudge runs deep between the kingdoms, one that is about to bubble over and burst into the worst war the world has ever seen.

Meanwhile, the fifth kingdom, Sera, sits on the roots of a civil war between the Blessed and the normal people of Sera. The Blessed are tired of being hunted and descriminated against. So far, violence has yet to erupt between both groups, but it is nearing its breaking point. There have been small skirmishes between groups from both sides in towns outside the capital. Luckily the capital, Busan, has yet to see any fights break out, but the tension is thick. With Busan as their base, the normal citizens of Sera plan their attacks against the Blessed. The Blessed use the religous town of Daegu to hide and plan their own attacks. There actually isn't that many Blessed in Daegu, most of their fighters are just normal people who firmly support equal rights for all. This civil war forces Sera to stay away from other kingdoms in order to fix their own unrest. The civil war will end with a simple, yet monumental, decision that has been placed up on the prince's shoulders. This decision will cause a ripple effect throughout the world as people realize the truth behind the Golden One and their Blessed.

The question still remains:
Who is the Golden One?

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