Chapter 24: Guardian

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"Uh... you are Sora. Like the lost love of Taehyung, Sora? Like the woman Taehyung is desperate to find, Sora? Why are you all the way out here?"

Sora nodded, sobbing. She hugged Raven tightly, thankful that has finally found a Seran.

A Seran who seems to know what is going on too.

"Thank the gods! I have been trapped her for weeks. The Normals took me out of Sera because Tae was getting close to finding us. Next thing I knew, Yumi and I were being taken to this camp. Thankfully, Jackson and his friends kept that woman from selling us off. Honestly, he was such a huge help."




Raven fell to her knees, gripping her head. Sora and Yumi rushed to her aide, checking on her.

"Hey, Raven! Are you ok?!"

Raven rubbed her head, nodding.

"Ugh... yeah I'm fine. The gods had an order for me."

Sora backed off, not really understanding, but deciding to give her space. Yumi peeked at her, poking her side gently.

"Hey, miss. Your leg is bleeding."

Youngjae heard this, walking over to her. He knelt down in front of her, and spoke in a kind, happy voice.

"Do you mind showing me your leg, Raven?"

Raven shifted the position she was in, streching out her leg. Youngjae held out his head, a warm light shining through. After a few seconds, the bite she recieved was gone.

"Thank you, Youngjae."

Youngjae beamed, happiness flowing off of him.

"Anytime! I gotta go help them back up some stuff for the village, get some rest!"

He scampered off, rushing to a struggling Bambam. Yugyeom was standing off to this side, laughing as Bambam tried to carry three heavy boxes to a small carriage.

Raven stood up, brushing the sand off of her legs. Yumi jumped up as well, beaming at her.

"Your name is Raaa, right?"

Raven laughed, nodding. Sora smiled at the four year old, patting her head.

"Yes it is. It is a pleasure to meet you Miss. Yumi."

Yumi squealed, swinging her arms about.

"Mommy, she called me Miss. Yumi!"

The trio talked until the boys said that they were done. The other prisoners, now freed, had joined the conversation as well. They were really interested in Raven, not surprising since she has shown she is the Golden One. It was close to sundown when they left, but the village wasn't far.

When they got back, the two missing children, who Raven had forgotten about, were reunited with their parents. Many others also went back to their families. Sora and Yumi stuck close to Raven, not really knowing anybody else.

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