Chapter 19: Or Really?

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"Ugh... my head..."

Raven sat up, looking around.

She isn't in Daegu.

All she could see was desert. Luckily, she still had her bag with her.

But it seems as though someone changed her clothes. She wasn't wearing her blue dress anymore. Instead, she was wearing a short blue kimono, with knee high flat boots. Her hair was fixed in a ponytail, with a light blue flower hair pin keeping it together. Her armor covered her left arm, where her mark was.

Confused and dazed, Raven stood. Her eyes wondered the area in search of a place to stay.

Who am I kidding, this is a desert. There is literally no place to stay. Guess I'll walk for a bit.

Raven started to march across the desert, bored out of her mind. Finally, she spotted a small town.

As quick as lightning, she ran to the town. Upon entering, she noticed a temple.

One she has never seen before.

What in the world...

An old woman noticed her staring at the temple with awe. A soft smile graced her lips.

"Hello miss, I see you are awed by the great temple of the twin gods Mirka and Amid."

Raven immediately straightened her posture, nodding rapidly.

"Ah, yes I am. I have never seen anything so beautiful before."

The temple was gorgeous. Obviously well kept, light shone off the glistening rock. A heart sat on one side of the temple, while a broken one sat on the other.

Aaah welcome Golden One.

You have finally come.

Of course, it required a little... push to make you appear.

But do not fret.

For you will be back in no time.

For now rest.

You will need it.

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