Chapter 17: Dream

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Jin has his own dreams. He wishes to visit all the temples in the world.

And learn as much as he can along the way.

Many say he should have became a cook instead of Jimin's personal guard. As much as he loves cooking, he simply can't see a life in a kitchen. Much too boring for him.

Jin thrives on adventure. The people he meets, the friends he makes, all make his life a little more brighter.

He adores travelling with a passion, which was why he was so excited when Jimin embarked on his journey to find a lover. Staying in that palace was making Jin crave adventure more and more by the day.

It also made him realize how old he is. Jin has practically watched Jimin grow. He will admit to feeling a bit sad knowing that Jimin will be marrying much before him.

Jimin is like a son to him, though. All he wants is for him to be happy. If that happiness is with Raven, then great. If it isn't, then they will just have to look more.

Jin is well aware that the others seem to think something is off about Raven, he does too. Jin just feels that it isn't their place to pry. If Raven wants to tell them, then she will when the time comes.

Jin can tell that Raven is a good person. That she is pure hearted. She wouldn't do something on purpose to hurt Jimin.

But she is unpredictable. There is no telling what she will do next.

Jin just hopes that everything will be ok.

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