Chapter 5: Daegu, the Holy Town.

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Ah, beautiful enchanted Daegu. An old yet oh so beautiful town. Residing in the middle of the Enchanted Forest, the religous town of Daegu brings calm to many from their treacherous travels. Home of the earthern goddess, Aja, many natives of Daegu worship her with every fiber of her being. There is a temple residing in the heart of the town dedicated just to Aja. At the end of each harvest each year, the residents of Daegu hold a festival thanking her for the harvest no matter how bad or good it is. The town itself is beautiful. Trees' branches stretch themselves over houses, flowers litter the lawns of homes. The temple itself houses a garden filled with magical plants and crops. Animals flock to the temple, seeing it as a place to hide from their predators. All of the priests and priestesses there are vegetarian, only eating from the garden in the temple.

That being said, with how religous the town is, it is considered the Holy Town. But it isn't just for their practices, it is actually because many famous religous people came from Daegu. The most monumental person, the first ever Golden One, came from Daegu. She actually was the one who founded religion and the church's system in Sera. After she had passed, she became the goddess of Light, tasking herself with the duty of choosing and guiding the Golden Ones. The people of Daegu brag about her ever chance they get.

"Hey traveller, the radiant goddess of Light, Lumina, was born here. Isn't that amazing?!"

Daegu is a very proud town, but they have their faults. The natives of the town used to get into fights all the time, until someone was introduced. That someone was a woman named Raven.

With the help of her brother, Yoongi, Raven was able to teach the town about kindness and respect towards others. If it wasn't for them and their friends, the town would have fallen apart. That being said, those two cannot keep the town together forever. The chaos in Daegu right now is all thanks to a certain beloved Prince that Yoongi is now guarding.

Yes, Prince Jimin is currently in town trying to find his love. Unfortunately, this has made the town go a tiny bit crazy.

Each day at the market square, Jimin speaks with the merchants for advice on who to marry. Many of the merchants are older, married men and women, so Jimin feels as though he can learn lots from them. His attempts are useless, as the singles of the town all rush him for attention. The only thing separating them from him is his guards. Sure, he appreciates them, but he does like to have some space to breathe.

"I hope Prince Jimin meets Ray at some point."

"I hope so too, they would really hit it off."

Jimin looks at the group of women speaking, breaking him out of his thoughts on Daegu.

Who is Ray?

As tempted as he is to ask, he knows better than to blatantly approach them. Instead, he turns to his two guards from Daegu.

"Yoongi, Taehyung, who is Raven?" He asks, tilting his head to this side.

His brown eyes glinted with curiousity and hope. Maybe they are right and he could finally marry someone. Yoongi and Taehyung turn towards him, noticing the look in his eyes.

"She is still here?! I wonder why she hasn't left yet..." Taehyung wondered aloud.

Taehyung looks off into the distance, scrunching his nose in deep thought. Obviously Jimin wasn't getting an answer out of him anytime soon. Jimin looked at Yoongi, hoping for an answer.

"Raven? She is my little sister. I'm surprised to not see her here, she was always a curious child growing up. Ahhh... She must have seen the chaos and decided to not show. Raven is a great person, but I am not suggesting you to marry her. She is my sister after all."

Yoongi gave him a pointed look. Jimin took note of that, thinking about what he said.

Raven, huh? Maybe I should try to find her.

The group of women must have heard him, they immediately turned towards him. They nodded along with what Yoongi and Taehyung said.

"Raven actually left town for a few years..."

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