Chapter 26: Mayhem

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Raven feels like she is going through puberty again. She hasn't even completed the temple yet.


In just two weeks, Raven fell in love with Jimin. She can't comprehend how, but it happened. She just has to accept it.

Raven and Jimin have been communicating through the dream world given to them by the gods. He has been updating her about the stuff happening in Sera, and himself. It sounds like Raven needs to get back as fast as possible.

She needs to stop that war.

But the Pilgrimage comes first.

Raven won't stop her Pilgrimage to parent Sera. That isn't her duty. If Raven gets the chance to, she will try her best to stop it, but she has to focus on the main war.


Jinyoung jogged up to her, waving.

"Are you ready?"

Jinyoung held out his hand earnestly. Raven forgot how excited the guys were to go in the temple. Raven grinned, taking his hand.

"Yeah, let's go!"

She laughed, running up to the others. The townspeople stood at the entrance, waiting. Her guardians' eyes brighten at her running towards them with Jinyoung.

"Come on, guys!"

The townspeople all laughed, clapping as she went into the temple with her seven guardians.

"Stay safe!"

The door to the temple lead them into the room everyone can access easily. It was where the priests and priestess stay. The group was met with stairs leading down to the main prayer circle.

The interior of the main hall kept the same desert feel like the stones outside. There was even sand on the steps. Yet, the temple was cool, not too cold, but not too hot.

Raven could already sense her emotions going haywire.

This is going to be fun.

Raven walked up to a white door. Black letters jumped about on the door.

Ugh... I'm getting a headache.

A pedestal with a hand shaped hole in it sat in the middle of the room. Raven calmly walked up to it, the others hesitantly followed. She placed her left hand on it, her mark glowing. Cords of golden shot througj the floor, connecting to the door. The white door flew open, revealing a matching interior.


Raven turned her head, shooting the seven amazed men a smile.

"Let's go. We have a lot of work to do."

The men nodded, following her into the white and black temple. The colors on the walls shifted according to what they were feeling.

Raven tried to ignore the walls to the best of her ability. The constant flash of color gave her a massive headache.

After a few minutes of walking, they reached the trail room.

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