Chapter 23: A Found Love

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Raven eyes scanned each of the beasts before her. The hyenas slobbed, eyeing her down. Creeped out she looked away. The gorgon shrieked, the power of it forcing them to block.

"Don't look her in the eyes, you'll turn to stone. You guys focus on the hyenas, I'll go after her. Watch each other's backs ok?"

They all nodded, deciding to not question the person with the most experience her. The men rushed the hyenas while Raven dodged an attack from the gorgon.

The gorgon's six arms swung at Raven, missing each time. The gorgon may be fast, but Raven was faster. A hyena rushed Raven, biting her leg. She kicked him away, throwing him back a few feet. Jackson rushed to her aide, stabbing at the hyena.

Everyone was getting tired, fast. The others can't kill them, they don't have the power to do that. Raven sighed, knowing what she needed to do.

"Someone cover me!"

Bambam and Mark rushed in front of her, avioding the gorgon's eyes. Raven bounced back, holding up her rapier before her.

"Oh gods, here my plea..."

The earth shook around them, throwing everyone off balance. The gorgon roared.


The hyenas howled, confused and distressed. A loud noise was heard, like a black hole was collapsing into itself. Everyone's looked at Raven, noticing light shooting off of her like fireworks. Raven's eyes remained closed, praying to herself.

Her eyes suddenly shot open, blue eyes melted into golden. White streaks adorned her hair, mark glowing.

"Your corruption will reign no longer. I shall purify the deep darkness in your soul. Gods... please save this world."

Raven's hands glowed a bright beautiful light. Her rapier disappeared. Moving with grace and speed, Raven made a star in the air. The star glowed bright, ancient letterings surrounding the outline of it. She pushed the star forward, expanding it size.

"It is time for you to give your corrupted ways and rejoin life as whole again."

Golden chains cloaked in light wrapped around the gorgon and her hyenas. Screaming and paralysed, they pleaded with Raven.

But it all fell on deaf ears, Raven activated the purity spell. The spell encased them in light.

The monsters vanished, leaving behind unconscious humans. Raven reverted back to her normal form, one not touched by the gods. Jackson ran up to her, praising her. His friends followed suit, thanking her a thousand times.

"Please, there is no need to thank me. I am just doing my duty. Say... why don't we release these prisoners and take them back to the town?"

They nodded, rushing to the cages. A brunette ran up to her with a 4 year old little girl.

"Hey miss, do you know Kim Taehyung by any chance?"

Surprised someone so far from Sera would know Taehyung, she nodded hesitantly.

"Who are you, may I ask? And who is this adorable cutie?"

The little girl giggled at Raven's voice, giving her a familiar boxy smile.

"I am Sora and this is Yumi."

Wait... WHAT?!

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