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I groan as someone pounds on the front door. I crawl out of bed and rub at my eyes. I make my way out of my room and head toward the front door. There's no reason for anyone to come here. I stand on my tiptoes and peek through the window to see who's here. The moment I see him I freeze.

Bang Chan.

Why is he here? He probably has so many better things to do. He's a big shot idol. He should be off recording something or performing on stage. He left me six years ago to do it, so why's he back now?

"Open the damn door, Summer." Chan continues to pound on the door. He's clearly annoyed and frustrated. His eyes meet mine and I stumble back from the window. I'd be lying if I said I actually hated him for leaving me. I can't hate him.

He was my rock for the longest time. When my parents would argue, I'd sneak out and go to his house. His mom would set up a little bed on his bedroom floor for me. Of course—I'd usually end up in bed with him. I'd end up crying and he wouldn't know what to do. He'd pull me into bed with him and hold me. We were just kids back then. There was nothing laced within the actions except friendship, but looking back—I always wished there was more.

"Summer—seriously—open the damn door. I don't have time to play games. I have a lot to do today." Chan groans as he pounds on the door once again.

"What do you want?" I question as harshly as I can. He's the only person who's seen through my shell. He knows the real me—he's the reason I struggle to open up now. He saw every part of me then he just left. He left to train. Then he debuted without me.

"Let me in or I'm leaving. I'm here to help you. It's not for me." Chan snaps before turning on his heel to leave. I hesitate before reaching for the doorknob and tugging it open. I may still be disappointed, but I missed him. I won't admit it to his face though.

"What?" I spit as I whip the door open. I stumble over my bags sitting next to the door. I hadn't even noticed them. Mom must've packed them—but why?

"Grab your stuff and get in the car." Chan instructs as he nods back toward a black sports car.

"Why? Why in the world would I get in a car with you?" I scoff as I cross my arms over my chest.

"Because your mom said you have to. Did you really not read her letter? She said she left it on the counter for you." Chan pushes passed me and heads toward the kitchen. He picks up the letter and holds it out for me. I hesitantly take it and read it over.


I know you haven't talked to him in a long time. I don't know what happened between the two of you, but I asked him for help. I asked him to take care of you. Well... I asked his mom. Hopefully you find this before he comes to get you.

He agreed to get you a job as an assistant manager and housekeeper for his group. I know it's the last thing you want to do, but it'll keep a roof over your head and ensure you don't go hungry.

I hope you're not mad at me. I'm doing this for you. It's the one thing I can offer as your mom right now. I'm sorry, Summer... my love... please go with him. I'm begging you.


"No. I'm not going with you." I slam the letter back down on the counter.

"Fine. Don't. It doesn't bother me." Chan shrugs before heading back toward the door. I sigh in defeat as my mom's words start to sink in. She's really trying to take care of me. She feels like this is all she can do for me. I can't turn her down.

"Wait—I'm not going with you until I get changed. I can't go out in public wearing pajamas." I mumble as I lower my head and look down at my disheveled state.

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