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"Is she okay? She looks—dead. Is she sick?" JiSung questions as he comes up next to me and pokes my arm. I shoo him away as I rest my head on the cool counter.

Three hours of sleep. I got three hours of sleep and now I have to sit in a car for two hours—just to spend six hours out in the hot sun—then an additional two hours in the car. After that, another six in the practice room with them. Isn't that a little too brutal for my second day?

"She's fine. She has a hard time sleeping in new places. She'll sleep in the van. Ah—have either of you seen my one shirt—the black one with the mesh?" Chan questions as he turns his back toward us absentmindedly. I shoot up and immediately spin him around. He looks at me confused while the others eye us suspiciously.

"What the hell is on your back?" ChangBin questions as he grabs Chan's shoulder and spins him back around.

"Were you having sex with someone in the studio yesterday? What the hell, Chan!" JiSung snaps as he slips between us. I stumble back and bump into the wall. I rub at my arm as the two prepare to interrogate Chan.

"Who was it? Was she pretty? Is she an idol? Why the hell didn't you tell us?" ChangBin slaps his chest roughly and Chan tosses me a hesitant glance. I quickly make my way back to the stool in hopes of keeping my name out of their mouths.

"It's nothing. I scratched it on—I scratched it on the sequins from that shirt for the photo shoot yesterday—is it that bad?" Chan tries to come up with an excuse, but it's clearly not a good one.

"You're the biggest liar—I swear to god—does she know? Does she know you have a girlfriend?" JiSung turns toward me as I take a sip of coffee. I spit it out at him in shock. He stumbles back and ChangBin bursts out laughing.

"Well—she doesn't know." JiSung groans as he makes his way toward the bathroom to clean up.

"Hold on—JiSung—come here." ChangBin calls out for JiSung as he makes his way toward me. I swallow hard as he tilts his head to see my neck.

"What—wait—" JiSung catches a glimpse of my neck and immediately turns toward Chan.

"Did you two have sex?" ChangBin asks confused as I cover my neck with my hand.

"No—why the hell would we have sex? You heard her yesterday—she was crying because of me." Chan tries to object, but the other two aren't having any of it.

"You two had sex. Just admit it. What are we gonna do about it?" JiSung shrugs as sits down next to me.

"Nope. Never. I hate his guts." I snap before getting to my feet and heading toward my bedroom. The longer I stay out here the more likely I am to give it away.

"Fine—if you guys aren't a thing—Summer—" ChangBin calls out for me and I hesitantly turn around to face him.

"Yeah?" I mumble awkwardly.

"Go on a date with JiSung." ChangBin instructs as JiSung looks at him in shock.

"No—you know she's not supposed to date anyone. She's supposed to be a manager not a live in girlfriend." Chan snaps as he stands between me and the other two. I place my hand on his shoulder and slip around him.

"Fine. I'll go on a date with him." I agree without much thought. If I do it, they'll leave me alone—right?

"No—wait—I was just kidding. I thought you'd admit you were with Chan. Are you two really not a thing? Where the hell did the scratches come from then? What about the hickies on her neck?" ChangBin looks completely baffled as he forces Chan to turn around again. He trails his fingers over the scratches and Chan winces.

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