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"Why—why the hell would you do that, Chan?" I snap as I pace back and forth. Tears continue to trail down my face.

"I don't know what you're talking about. This is literally the first time you've said a word to me all day. What could I have possibly done to piss you off this bad?" Chan groans, clearly annoyed with my accusation.

"You gave them Mayday." I swallow hard as I grip tightly onto the ledge. I stare down at the ground beneath me—it's a good six floors down. It'd be quite the fall.

"So? I write a lot of songs. I give a lot of them to other people—well I sell them." Chan seems unfazed by it. It makes me think he really intended to get me mad.

"I hate you so fucking much." I feel my knees go weak as I get more and more disappointed in him.

"What the fuck is your problem? It's just a fucking song—it's not like it's about you." Chan spits on the verge of hanging on.

"It is—it is about me. You fucking sent it to me and told me it was. How the fuck can you just give it away like that?" I stumble as I grow weaker and weaker with each passing second. I give in and fall to the ground. I sniffle as press my back against the ledge.

"What—what are you talking about? Mayday? That wasn't the name of your song—was it? I wrote the one for them a month or two ago." Chan slowly starts to question himself. His voice goes quieter as he audibly starts typing something.

"Shit—I sent the wrong files. I'm sorry—I'm so sorry, Summer. I promise I didn't mean it—I didn't even know you knew them when I started writing for them. Hell—I didn't even know who was in the group it was going to—the company wasn't even a hundred percent sure—I'll figure it out. I'll get it back." Chan's annoyance fades to disappointment in himself for doing something so carelessly.

"I hate you. Fix it." I snap before hanging up and burying my face in my hands.

"Summer?" Felix whispers softly as he takes a step toward me. I hadn't even noticed him come onto the roof. I thought I was alone.

"Lix—I—" I start to panic as he swallows hard. I try to get to my feet, but I can't.

"That song was about you?" Felix asks as he lowers his head. He seems lost. He's confused.

"Lixie—I can explain—" I manage to shakily get to my feet. I reach out to grab ahold of his wrists. He looks up at me a little hurt.

"You know him? You know CB97? How? Wait—is he—is he that childhood friend?" Felix questions as he does his best to help keep me on my feet.

I nod my head weakly as I stare down at my feet. I sniffle as Felix pulls me in for a hug. No matter how mad he is—how upset or disappointed in me he is—he always puts me first. He smooths my hair down and sighs.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell us? We would've turned the song down. We'll get rid of it now. It's not like we're that far into preparations. It's only been a few days. We can pick a new song." Felix mumbles as he sways side to side with me playfully. I pull back to rub at my eyes. He's so much stronger than I am. He doesn't falter when things don't go his way. He may sulk, but the moment he needs to jump into action he does.

"You shouldn't have to turn a song down just because he wrote it. If it was any other song he wrote I wouldn't care—but he wrote that one about me forever ago." I sniffle as he squeezes me tighter.

"He shouldn't have given it away. He's to blame." Felix plays into my emotions. He knows how to help calm me down.

"He said he didn't mean to. He did write you guys a song called Mayday, but he sent the wrong files. I don't know if I believe him though." I chew anxiously on my bottom lip as I pull away from Felix. I glance toward the door to see HyunJin making his way toward us.

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