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I stare up at the bottom of the top bunk as I patiently wait for HyunJin to finish his shower. I swallow hard as I reach up to trail my fingers over the pictures he has tapped to the bottom of Felix's bed. There's some of us all when we went on a trip together. Then he has some of just the two of us. He really like me that much before. I never noticed the way he looked at me, but looking at the pictures—it was obvious. Sickeningly obvious.

"Don't say a damn word." HyunJin groans as he comes into the bedroom drying his hair. I look up at him taken aback by the sudden aggressive demand. The moment my eyes fall a bit, I notice exactly what he was talking about. It wasn't the pictures.

"I tried. Got rid of it once then it came back. There's nothing I can do about it—move over." HyunJin instructs and pushes me toward the wall so he can lay next to me.

"Jinnie—" I start, but HyunJin rolls onto his side and places his hand over his mouth.

"I told you last night was the one exception. We're not having sex again—at least not any time soon. I'm not letting our relationship end up like the one you had with him. You deserve better than that. It's not like I haven't had to deal with it before. I mean—I live with a bunch of guys. We all have. I'll live. Besides—I'm exhausted." HyunJin slowly pulls his hand away and rolls onto his back. He slips his arm under my head and wraps his fingers around my shoulder. He pulls me closer and I rest my head on his bare chest.

"How'd it end up like that—you and him—how'd you end up in such a messed up friendship?" HyunJin asks softly as he presses his lips to my forehead.

"It wasn't always like that." I mumble as the memories of Chan and I before he left to train kicks in.

"Yah! Summer!" Chan shouts as he comes running up behind me. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and chuckles as his friends struggle to catch up with us.

"What?" I tilt my head a bit to look up at him completely confused as to why he just had to catch me. It's not like he won't see me when he gets home. He literally lives next door.

"I just wanted to walk with you. Is that a problem?" He mumbles awkwardly as he glances back over his shoulder passed his friends. A group of girls from my class glare at us like Chan spoiled something they had planned.

"Tell me the truth. Why did you hurry to catch me? What's the reason, Christopher?" I question as I give in and let him have his at.

"Nothing." Chan attempts to get his way out of it. He should know better by now though.

"Christopher Bang." I give him a stern warning as his friends finally fall in step beside us.

"The little rat is gonna give you a run for your money, Chris." His friend nudges him playfully as they both snicker in amusement.

"Shut up—don't call her that either. She's not a rat." Chan glares at them as I shrink in his grasp. I'm used to it, but it still gets to me. I'm a rat because of him. The girls in the school all think I'm a terrible person because we're close. He's supposed to be for everyone—definitely not me.

"Chan—it's fine. I'm gonna go home." I shrug him off and try to slip away, but he quickly grabs ahold of my wrist and pulls me back.

"No—stay with me. I'll make them go away." Chan turns toward his friends, prepared to make them leave.

"Chan—what do you want? Stop clinging to me and just tell me." I push his hand away annoyed.

"I'm just trying to protect you. I overheard some people talking about messing with you. It's my fault everyone bothers you—I didn't want them to hurt you because of me. Will you please just let me walk you home?" Chan practically begs as he pushes his friends in the opposite direction.

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