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𝕴t was an eerie night when a high-pitched scream of a woman could be heard yet, there were sudden cries mixed through the castle-like mansion. In the dark gloomy room was a dimmed lantern with milk light passing through the windows outside the mansion into the night sky. There were several nurse ladies moving too and fro in an attempt to make the lady scream and cry in pain to get some sort of relief.

Outside the door was moving a man who was getting madder time by time. He thundered upon anyone who tried to approach him. 

It happened so fast that the sound of her dearly wife screaming the last time so loud stopped. It was now pinned drop silence in the mansion and the room too. The room where the sounds echoed through the residence was in an arrangement, where you would find when a mother is giving birth to her baby with a cozy bedroom atmosphere. 

The frantic cries of a newborn child could be heard now.

It was just heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time no matter how much the large scar-faced with beard man wanted to break the door to check if everything was fine.

Suddenly the room's door opened and the lady doctor came out. She smiled sadly at the great don and almost immediately handed the baby to him. He looked down at the child with loving eyes and just when that emotion came, it was blanketed away as soon as the don blinked. He couldn't muster up to why the doctor smiled sadly at her. He looked up at her and raised an eyebrow at which she gulped audibly. "What happened?" Asked the don in a low threatening voice which shook the doctor to death but she kept her head up and looked up at the don, then said " It wasn't a successful delivery Don Oisin. We could just save one of the two. We tried our best to save your beloved but...."

The nurse hesitated at a point where Oisin had to ask, "What? Tell me now!"

It brought the nurse to speak again as she spoke the truth with the sudden horror swirling in her but she covered it up quickly. "We couldn't save Mrs. Rose O'Brien. She gave birth to a healthy girl child. I wish luck to you ahead Don Oisin." She bowed her head and lead the don inside the room where he saw his wife's now laying unmoving body.

He just stood there, his emotionless eyes starting to tear up. His knees suddenly gave up at which he fell on the carpeted floor with a thud with the child in his arms.

And just like that, he promised to not let anyone hurt the innocent flower he thought she'd be. He locked everyone out and made himself capable to a point where is awaiting other wives or his sons nor does anyone ever speak of that night again.




2 𝔶𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔰 𝔩𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔯-

"She has to go!!!" The women shrieked at DON Oisin.

The mafia had reached its peak and don Oisin was worried about his smallest child who was just 2 years old. Never had he ever wanted to go through the faces he has been going through. 

Olivia grace O'Brien, Don Oisin Verlin O'Brien's second wife has put a verdict with the rest of the two of his wife's. Arina ladnaova Nina O'Brien and Agnes Skye O'Brien have chosen to banish his youngest daughter of the fact that no one could take care of his child as an excuse while their sons are leaving for battleground as thought by Olivia. 

He can't lead that to happen but with the families of great mobs of thousand years and old firm grounds of billionaires which his wives are from, they keep pushing up forward to do it because of all the power they have in him. 

Yes, he is a coward that would back away just by seeing his mob falling. He can't let that happen. After three days, given by his most powerful wife who is the heiress of the oldest mafia ground. He thinks it's the best he could do for now.

But in his favor, he could have his beloved and unknown to the world child back in 14 years from now.

As easy as it may sound, leaving his daughter in a completely unknown place was his way of showing love to his passed away wife.

And with all the security he could make for his child, a place for her and a family to all that, he sent her away. Praying and begging for his dead wife to look after their daughter.

Waiting for 14 years after he had her land safely on the unknown grounds and taking an oath to never let anyone hurt her beloved's only thing he had left with. 


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Hello everyone. this is the author of the book. I am excited to know of how many people are going to like this book. 

NOTE- This book might be from unknown person but the real owner of this account gets extra credit as well because she helped me in finding of what book i wanted to make. she also shared her account with me and I am so happy to have a friend like her. i love her so much...

Warning- No hate comments will be accepted, no pressure for revealing my face, and please do not copy and publish without my permission. 

FUNFACT- This book comes from me but the real owner of this account also edits with me. the most fun part us that you won't be able to see me because I'm never doing a face reveal. 

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until then,


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