Chapter-9:Why Am I Held Wrong?

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Raven prayed hard on the one thing she was hoping won't happen to her. A sudden rush of memory caused her to hold her head in her palms as it felt like the whole blood in her body has got stuck up in her head. She gasped as she felt like the oxygen was about to knock out of her lungs. 

She remembered about code red. 

In golden mansion, code red meant about the punishment of one when done something wrong. The one thing she hadn't gotten over was the ruthlessness of her Athair. 

Her Athair was someone she had started to fear one moment by one as he continuous his evils. 

The one rule of code red was that not only the mens of the Irish don were punished by the right hand man of the don, but the right hand man of her Athair punished his family as well. her Athair  never touched anyone on the sake of punishment but gave the opportunity to his right hand man instead. 

Raven remembered the time when her Athair gave the reason to his right hand man giving punishment to her elder sister. He had said that the person who did wrong wasn't ashamed of doing his wrongdoings then why should he be ashamed when he gets punished by his right hand man?

Would his Athair do the same to her, if her mistakes were taken out in the light?

She shook her head vigorously at that thought. 

She sighed as she felt like she gained some breath after the small panic attack after the embarrassing moment. 

She went out of the big golden embroidered door and started to take a small walk after she found that standing in front of the dining door was more embarrassing then barging in the middle of her Athairs meeting. What if someone thought that she was eavesdropping?

She wouldn't like that anyways. 

Raven had realised that she was quite far away from the Golden mansion and nowhere near her small penthouse. As she walked forward, she saw a beautiful fountain. 

In the dark, the moonlight shined bright on the water that was falling from the fountain. The water was immensely clear, it looked blue and the light shimmers fell ever so slightly while some of the water gently sprayed out near the fountain area giving a touching on her succulent milk like skin. 

She took steps forward towards the fountain sitting at the edge while tenderly running her hands in the blue shimmering cold clear water. 

Who has built this fountain in middle of nowhere? and evenly, its such a beautiful fountain that one may be mistaken by its beauty- Thought raven. 

She kept thinking while glazing at the moon that reflected on the fountain water. The cold breeze made her shiver as she listened to the calm sound of the water. 

Suddenly, there was a rustle in the near bush that was opposite to Ravens. 

Raven frantically got up, she gulped the big lump forming in her throat and it felt like she was having yet another panic attack. 

Have her Athair started to pet wild animals? As much as she remembered, The area of the golden mansion was guarded by the several mens of Athair that worked under him, and the last time she remembered roaming the garden, there weren't any animals. 

She wasn't fully assured yet again, What if some wild animal ran into the area of the golden mansion killing the mens who were guarding the door? 

She wasn't sure again, As her Athair's mens had those scary weapon that attracted her somehow. Although, the possibility of having a wild animal could be great because she was standing in the most unknown and who knows? maybe forbidden area of the mansion. 

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