Chapter-6:Until We Meet Again

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She shook her head in denial but answered Scarlet.

 "I have a big phobia of garden lizard and I saw one on the balcony. It looked like a Godzilla because it was so big, and when I saw it, it started to sprint towards me in great force so I ran away from there as well. I am so sorry Scarlet." Raven explained while she sobbed.

Her bottom lips and chin were quivering while her legs felt wobbly. Scarlet saw a big fat tear rolling delicately on Raven's flushed pink cheek, she looked like such a baby thought the older girl while she shook her head in disbelief with a smile lingering on her lips.

"I never knew you were so scared of things like these but seriously you could have gotten hurt if it wasn't me that you bumped in. What if you got tripped and fell while hurting yourself? and running in heels is a death wish. Don't do that again Raven or I swear to Dio that I will give you a better off scolding next time." Threatened Scarlet to the girl crying in front of her. 

Raven nodded while her thoughts were filled with the lie she told to Scarlet. it wasn't a Godzilla but rather a beautiful beast who happened to threaten her. It was not a garden lizard nor a Godzilla but scarlets brother, the Romero heir. 

What will happen if Athair got to know about what happened in the balcony?- thought Raven.

 He would be so mad at her, after all, he warned her to stay away from the heir but still, she got stuck in such big trouble.

What will happen to her?- though Raven.

"Anyways, I will check up on the doctor soon. How about we go to the ball downstairs? I think everyone would be waiting for us there." Scarlet spoke breaking the train of thoughts Raven had. 

Raven just nodded while she wiped her tears with her fist as if she is like a baby. 

God, she resembles a 5-year-old baby- thought Scarlet while chuckling.

"Let's go." said the older girl while holding her hand out to let Raven take it. She put her hand in Scarlet's hand and started walking down the posh tiled marble stairs.

As they descended towards were the others who were probably waiting for Scarlet as they would shift out in the guest Mansion of the Don. Raven saw all her step-mothers, Athair and Aiden while the Italian heir stood in all his pride with his two guards on back. 

As they walked through the crowd of the different clans of the underworld, Raven felt someone's intense gaze on her while she strolled behind Scarlet towards her family. 

She looked up only to be met with the piercing silver eyes of Alessandro as she recalled his name. The gaze was so intense that she felt if she looked away the world around her would burn into ashes and her water-like flowing heart won't be able to save them. 

The gaze that he gives is as cold as ice but it can easily burn the world down instantly- thought Raven.

Soon they reached towards where they all stood as Raven stood by Aiden all the time while she averted her gaze from the intense cold silver eyes. 

"Mr. Romero, we have our guest mansion ready with your packed items that came from the Romero Mansion in here and are sent to our Mansion. And for the betterment of both, we would make sure to accompany you with the meals which will be served at the grand dining in this mansion. Otherwise, if you are not comfortable with it we will have our staff sent to the guest mansion instead." completed Don Oisin. 

the information that the Don gave Alessandro to come to Main Mansion and visit them for the three important meals of the day made him rethink. He would always be ready to have his breakfast, lunch, and diner here if it meant that he could see the little Aphrodite. 

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