Chapter-1:The Time Has Come

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It was morning. The sun was hidden between the dark purple clouds. The sky was slightly red with a tint of pink and dark purple. This sky was giving a type of atmosphere that could daze people with a single glance. 

Raven, on the other hand, was in the garden out of reach from her home. The garden she was roaming in was the only garden she most often go to. 

There lay huge beds of lavender across the land, always welcoming raven with its bright yet delightful scent. The sky looked so open and free, while the lavender flowers were flowing from the wind here and there sending their scent.

The breeze was cold enough to make Raven shiver but out of it all, she enjoyed it. This tends to be the perfect morning for her even if she is sa 

 This tends to be the perfect morning for her even if she is sa 

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"Raven!!". There was a loud shout from a very familiar voice but it felt like that person was breathless already. Raven suddenly turned around and that person shrieked and fell in front of her feet. Raven looked down suddenly and bent down as fast as possible making her spine bone crackle a bit. It was her sister like a best friend, Alex.

"Oh my god raven you scared me all of a sudden, why the hell did you turn abruptly?" Raven did not say a word until she got Alex seated on the part of the flower bed where no lavender grew. "Alex how many times have I told you not to run like this. You know you send me through a lot of trouble already. I am fed up~" 

Alex looked at raven like she has been choked with her face pale, mouth gaping, and her fingertips touching her lips. A look Alex made often thought raven.

"How could you say that raven? You know how much I love you, and I know of how much you love me so we go through trouble together either you caused it or me."

At that Raven rolled her eyes a bit. "oh come on Alex we both know of how much trouble you make. And stop being a drama queen. Just tell me why you were running? What happened? Did you do anything?" Asked raven while she couldn't understand what was happening.

Ha! I was running because my sister Anna called. She and father Lockwood are waiting for you at home. They looked pretty serious though. And Ms. Raven, I did not cause any trouble." Those words took raven by shock, Alex not causing any trouble doesn't make sense. It was a rule written by Alex herself that she is a definition of trouble.

"We'll see about that. But let's first get home. Can you walk through?" Raven asked, even if Alex made trouble and pulled raven down with her she was still her bound sister.

She is always worried about Alex maybe because she is too kind for her good?

 "I am absolutely fine, but mind coming back with me right away?" Asked Alex. "Of course, now come on." Raven held out her hand for Alex as she took it and raven's hand squeezed Alex's hand a bit to comfort her. In 15 to 20 minutes, they reached their house.

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