Chapter-5:Won't You Runaway?

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The fact that women are never taken seriously is a notion. Any lady concluded in the underworld is for no use except giving birth to healthy heirs of the dons and being kept aside to look after them. But in this underworld, even important people are kept aside no matter their gender or role. 

Here you have to be the one who leads, hosts, keeps, is important to be formed allies with the strongest of the mafioso.

It explains why the most of most trusted and important people only sat with the Old Irish don with his wives all sitting eating their meals with a type of etiquette that only royals of countries have.

All of the conversations were just about things that would usually drift them from their mission, as in wasting Alessandro's time. He had endless work to finish where they all did was talk nonsense. This only led Alessandro's mind to the 1 minute moment they both spend each other staring at.

Alessandro at that moment was hypnotized, and it had to be a redhead bunny who worked her magic at him. At that time He knew that she was the real Aphrodite that he used to listen to from his mother. 

She was his unknown destiny, But he is going to be the one to bring them together.

His mother was the only good thing in his life. She was everything he wanted his first love to be, But he never found someone who would resemble her even the slightest bit. Every girl in his life just came for the sick money he had and how could he forget? his good looks. 

He rather believed it was all tripe, that every woman either looked for money or good looks to get with. Some of them were quite disturbing as they were only fond of the two. 

When he knew her mother well, he knew that God is a woman, but the other of the females just filled his disappointment. It was brutal when he was taunted that he didn't have a girlfriend and that he would hardly get married. 

But it was until he saw her, he wanted her because she had melted his frozen heart

The way she looked with her blueberry eyes through her lashes as if asking for his permission, The way she pouted slightly and answered in a whisper as if it is going to hurt his ears. Her voice was a type of music he never heard. 

Sweet but yet dangerous if she were to threaten someone with that small whisper. The whisper left soft feather touches into his heart as he treasured her first moment with him.

 They repeated ever again so softly that he wanted her to sing and lull him into a sleep he never had before, and the way she tamed his heart with one glance was just enough for his frozen heart who never felt something. 

The thoughts of those blueberry eyes made him think about her again and again. 

"I can't right away sign the alliance with you until I see for myself that how trained and secured your area is. I would be staying here observing until I am ready to ally with you." Said Alessandro. He was broken from his train of thoughts when he took in every word being said at the dining table.

The rumors were that they would be signing the alliance contract by today evening but that was not what he had thought of. He wanted the same protection with one of the Biggest Mobsters in the underworld even if he kept the underworld in his palm and crush it into pieces if someone messes with him.

"Sure Mr. Romero, We have no problem with that. I am completely sure that you will have a great time in visiting and observing the everyday routine of our posh land." The Don wasn't convincing rather he just gritted his teeth in utter anger. 

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