Chapter-2:Too Sweet Wishes Tends To Trap You

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"OMG I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS." Alex whine- yelled while gaping and latching onto raven. Well that was what raven thought, it was somewhere between a whine and yell. Raven laughed inwardly before groaning a little bit and bending down from the weight of Alex. Yes, Alex was pulling Raven down with her weight but Alex did not know that herself yet. "Alex I think you should let me be free of your weight, you are pulling me down." Said Raven while she Struggled to breathe now.

It was happening, Raven was being sent away and Alex nor the others could do anything about it. It was sad yet thrilling that she gets to meet her family, especially her brothers and sisters after so long. Raven had thought a lot about how she would greet them, how they would look now, and would they still be the same?

Alex was now standing but she was still hugging Raven as her life depended on it.

In 14 years of Alex living with Raven, she has grown so much comfortable and has a habit of being with her that she can't deny how much she is going to miss her dear Raven.

 Alex used to be so awkward around Raven because she behaved like a princess with etiquette and beauty... she would be so jealous of her because everyone looked up to raven like she was everything. Every boy had a crush on raven and every adult would be so mesmerized by her.

Alex had grimaced about acting like friends and sisters with someone who burned Alex's dream of being a perfect child. Alex in the meantime couldn't help but get close to raven because she need care at that time, she was fragile.

 And that was when Alex and raven got close. Raven was the best person, best friend, and best sister she could get. Alex could not help but laugh at the memory when she beat a guy for highly flirting with raven and raven being innocent didn't know the situation she was in.

"Raven, please tell me you are going to visit often." Said Alex starting to feel a bit mature in the situation. "Yes, Alex I will visit you often and you are also going to visit me often... so that I can help your troubled self again of course."

Alex did not miss the sarcasm dripping from Raven's voice. "Hey, that was rude and mean" Alex whined and pouted.

Sure she was going to miss Raven like a monkey misses his bananas when he is hungry.

They were currently at the airport, giving their goodbye well wishes to raven before they parted their ways. Sister Anna, Father Lockwood, Miss Spears which was Raven, and Alex's teacher with some students were there looking at Raven. Raven moved on Ms. Spears,

"Raven, take care darling. You're an awesome student and a very good girl. You are going to grow into such an amazing lady. If you ever need help in anything related to school or something you want to learn, you have my number okay?" Said Ms. Spears while caressing Raven's red locks.

"Yes Ms. Spears, I will make sure to contact you in need of help and from time to time as well."

Raven would miss Ms. Spears teaching.

Raven moved on to Father Lockwood who was looking at Raven with such gentleness and loved the emotion. " Raven, you are such a blessed child. God has given you two things. One is Creating someone like you, for letting you live in this world and the second is your faith. Now you have to decide that which one is good and which is bad but from God's creation, he wants the best for us, for you. I Believe in God to take care of you for your journey ahead. Stay Blessed raven." 

Father Lockwood knew this wasn't the time to be emotional but some things can't be kept from raven herself. She will know everything one day which Father Lockwood was sure of.

"Thank you father for giving me the knowledge I have ever needed. I will make sure to make you proud and I hope by God's grace, everything goes well." Said raven politely. "It will my child."

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