Chapter- 11:Leave Me Alone!

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Raven went inside her room, completely forgetting about her balcony door which was open. She walked in the farthest corner of the room, were no light reached.

Her tears were still streaming down her cheeks as she slumped down on the floor. She lay her head on her knees as she cried to sleep hearing the on-going commotion downstairs.  

The door to her room opened and the light poured in filling her room. The door soon slammed shut after a while making it pitch black. The person saw her unconsciously sleeping in the corner, making sure she wasn't awake yet. 

The persons foot-step filled the silenced room as the person got closer to her asleep form. 

"You dumb fucking bitch."  said the person as they got closer to her. "How dare you fucking get close to my boyfriend?! I am gonna make life a living hell for you, you bitch."





It was shining bright in the lavender room as Raven was curled up in a big fluffy blanket. Yawning to wake up only when the sun rays shone on her face making her cheeks bloom. She groggily woke up rubbing her fists to her eyes. 

She, for a while took a glance across the room. She noticed three things at that moment. 

1. the balcony's door was open, with the curtains flowing aside because of the morning breeze.

2. She was no longer on the cold marble floor that she slept on, Rather she was on her comfortable bed.

3. She was intentionally wrapped in a bigger blanket than she had on her bed, also the cologne from the blanket was all too familiar to her. 

She got up and ran towards the bathroom only to vomit everything she had in her stomach. Shivering when the cold sweat broke on her forehead, and the tears that streamed down her face she held the counter for support. 

She turned on the tap, washing her face with the cold water and using the towel to soak it. She later grabbed her toothbrush to wash her mouth. watching herself in the mirror, she noticed that she had vomit drops on her extremely expensive dress, she cried again. showering and changing into comfortable shorts and a big oversized Tee, she walked back to the bed and laid down. 

She thought everything that happened yesterday night, thinking where had she gone wrong. She closed her eyes and let out a soft moan, later sighing to when the door opened. 

It was Aiden. 

Raven ducked her head on the fluffy pillow, pushing her face more into it when she heard footsteps coming towards her. 

"Hey, How are you doing?" asked Aiden when he sat down beside her on the bed. "I don't know." said Raven awkwardly, pushing her head more into the pillow that Aiden thought it wouldn't be possible. 

Aiden took away the pillow and threw it away somewhere on the bed, reaching for Raven's waist and making her sit up. "You know I'm worried about you, right?" questioned Aiden again, when Raven didn't answer. he sighed a heavy breath and sat up straight. "Have you eaten yet?"

"No, I haven't even eaten bite of food since-" Raven who was hungry as ever got stuck in the middle and somehow Aiden ended up chuckling on her. 

"Let's go and feed you some food." Laughed Aiden as he heard her stomach grumble and her face turned red. 

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