Chapter-10:I Can Only Thank You.

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Raven ran like a bullet train towards the massive dining hall like it could save her from what is next to come. She was scared and she feared something that a child wouldn't be able to feel frightened of. 

She was rather terrified. 

She wasn't terrified of the fact that she disobeyed a rule but she was afraid to whats to come after she disobeyed her Athair. 

Her Athair, wasn't someone she would mess around with ever in her life. 

The time her Athair finds out... Raven shook her head. 

The time she entered the dining hall, she gasped loudly to gain her breath and stepped in. She took the seat next to Aiden, feeling the adrenaline rush but nonetheless smiled at him where he returned his smile towards Raven. 

She unconsciously took the seat closest to her Athair, She really is doomed now. 

Raven saw Alessandro step in after mother Olivia who took her seat next to scarlet. Everyone lifted on their feet bowing to Alessandro except the don who was sitting. 

A seat next to the don was empty were Alessandro took his seat sitting to the right side of Scarlet. He had a perfect view of Raven from there giving ease to his cold empty heart. 

Though he saw Raven smile and shake her head to the person who sat beside her. 

It was a man, A young boy to be precise. He had blonde hair and had a mix of blue and green eyes, rather they looked dull... almost empty from any emotion, like they resembled his own.

Weird scenarios flashed through Alessandro's mind. What if he was Raven's... Alessandro fisted his hands. The thought of other men even looking at her that way made his blood boil like magma in a volcano. He would destroy anyone who sets their eyes on her. 

But this feeling, this unknown emotion... at the thought of other men looking at the redhead made him feel pure rage. Though he could not define the emotion, not that he felt this type of emotion ever in his life... until now.

The very other servants soon started filling the plates of the mafia royals who sat on the dining table waiting. 

Soon, they started eating and the clatters of the cutlery made sound on the expensive plate filling the silence room with some ounce of noise. 

"About the talk of being allies... I think its the best if we finish with it as soon as possi-" Don Oisin could only finish his half sentence when Alessandro dropped the fork and knife on the plate with a thud silencing everyone around them. 

"I haven't seen someone going against my word." Said Alessandro in a monotonous way.

"I think you have mistaken my word for thi-" Don Oisin tried to explain but he was cut in-between again.

"But I think I haven't. The clear reason for creating an alliance with you Mr. O'Brien, was because Padre thought it would be the perfect chance to build the most powerful alliance in the underworld together but I can clearly see you rushing forward. Not only will it let your guards down from protecting your family, but can also get you killed and I think you know what I mean by that." explained Alessandro.

 "I have a reason that I am explaining this much to you Mr. O'Brien  because the last time I didn't explain this to someone I tried to create alliance with was killed. And after that if you don't understand, I have no problem then doing everything I have in power. The alliance will be formed under my order." Said Alessandro lowly in a threatening voice. 

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