Chapter-3:Allies With Whom?

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And with that Aiden was put his back on his same height. "Oh My God, is this the raven you have been talking about for so long, Aiden?" Said one of the fine ladies of the ó Dubhghaill clan. "Yes, Mrs. ó Dubhghaill, this is our raven." Said Aiden who was now feeling proud. 

There were constant murmurs around the ladies of different clans about how adorable, lady-like, beautiful raven was with her blueberry eyes and red curls. If it wasn't for the hate the stepmothers towards raven she would be the most adored person ever alive, but it was not always the same. 

"Olivia, how old is Raven?" Said one of the ladies breaking the lines of thoughts bubbling inside Ravens' head. "She is...Uhm..she i-is... uhm-uhh... raven is I-I gue-guess 14-?" 

The constant stuttering of Mother Olivia had Aiden rolling his eyes as he answered " Mrs. She is 16 years, She is soon going to be 17." And that made raven smile a little, Aiden still knew- she thought. 

Her brothers were the best part of her life, She still remembered how she used to play with her brothers while all of her stepmothers used to yell at them saying that it's childish... how could she ever forget. And with that, her smile of joy turned into sadness. 

Raven bowed her head and turned towards Aiden who seemed to be enjoying the show they put while he didn't know that raven was on the verge of crying. Raven was naive and innocent but she was mature enough to handle stuff like this. It would surprise anyone who knew raven very closely but Alex being closest to raven, she doesn't know this side of raven too.

Raven bowed her head and turned towards Aiden who seemed to be enjoying the show they put while he didn't know that raven was on the verge of crying. Raven was naive and innocent but she was mature enough to handle stuff like this. It would surprise anyone who knew raven very closely but Alex being closest to raven, she doesn't know this side of raven too.

 I might look childish but no one should know how mature I can be- thought raven. 

"Aiden, can we go now?" Raven had controlled herself to mouth the words in her head to Aiden. She was resisting herself from saying anything in front of the honorable ladies and making herself a fool by stuttering with so many eyes on her. 

And that instant, Aiden had understood what raven was trying to say. "Well, I guess we should be leaving as raven has just arrived from the airport. We will be meeting you for the party tonight at the mansion. Have a nice afternoon!" And with that Aiden had grabbed raven's hand and left for the upper staircase of the Golden Mansion. 

Turning to the right east wing and opening the door in the corner of the east wing, Aiden got raven inside her room. 

Raven gasped, the room was still how it used to be. The color of the wallpaper was lavender purple, the white plush sofa, the same white queen-sized bed with thick furry purple duvets, the open balcony, and her walk-in closet. Everything was the same... just how she used to remember when she was sent away to the island.

 "We had customized the wall color and cleaned it every time to make it look spotless until you came. I hope you like it?" Aiden was talking to himself more than to raven because she came running towards Aiden and hugged him tightly. He too wrapped his arms tightly around raven. 

"I don't like it Aiden, I love it! I remember everything being on the same spot when I left years ago and it looks the same as always. I never knew you would do this for me. I am very happy Aiden, I appreciate it and I thank you for it." yes, Ravens a kind angel to her some brothers. "you don't have to thank me, angel, I can do this for you forever." He said smiling from ear to ear. 

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