Chapter-8:Please Save Me

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"Why is Love Death and Birth in this order? isn't it Birth Love Death?" Asked Raven when she failed to comprehend the meaning about the notes that was been played by Alessandro. 

Alessandro on that note, suddenly stopped playing it, tightening his grip on the sides of the piano until his knuckles became pale and white.

 As Raven noticed that, she gulped hard before involuntarily moving her delicate hands to hold on his knuckles. 

He flinched at the sudden contact and nodded his head before opening his eyes which had turned pitch black like he was struggling to strangle someone. Alessandro had to control himself with someone special, and so he did. 

"Love Death Birth was a song made for a movie but it certainly does have a meaning to it. For me, It is for a person you love who is wrong and the pain keeps coming to you when you start loving someone. Then comes Birth, it happens after the death like pain after love passes. The agony and struggle passes away bringing serenity at the end which is like birth." Alessandro spoke looking at Raven. 

"Then why does this small piece of art has to be for a movie?" Alessandro's eyes flickered back to Raven as she gulped. 

She had to be stupid enough to ask something to the underworld Italian mafia don. she shook her head before she started to get up to leave the penthouse after a long tiring day. 

Before she could take her full step, Alessandro held her wrist and tugged her down as she landed right on his lap. Flustered, Raven got up but she was tugged back down. As Raven was about to get up again, Alessandro had held her on her position making her settle down on his lap comfortably. 

Alessandro being himself couldn't comprehend that why did the girl he had somehow felt attracted to kept leaving his side and that thought hit him hard. 

Raven sat on Alessandro's lap with her cheeks blushing red as she started to question her whole life to feel such a embarrassing moment happen with her. 

Alessandro set his eyes on the scars remembering that he had to spoke about them. Setting a sentence in his mind, he began speaking. 

"How did you get those scars?" Raven heard his deep velvet voice say as she tried to answer him properly.

 "I-I had t-tripped on the vines-s of t-the t-t-tree." how was she supposed to lie on his face when he had a suspicious emotions written all over his face as he gazed at her. 

"And you think I believe you?" questioned Alessandro to which Raven just nodded. "Tell the truth, little lavender." demanded the Italian heir. 

Raven wanted to answer the question but she couldn't remember how she tripped and fell. how was she supposed to tell him that what happened to her? 

"I don't remember anything before I blacked out." was just Raven had said as she looked down at her lap. Alessandro slid his long pale fingers and placed them on her chin tugging it up as she gazed at his silver eyes.

 "I will soon find it myself, little lavender." As he got up and started to drag Raven behind her leading them to the Guest house of the O'Briens were the two Italian heirs were staying. 

Alessandro dragged her from the hallways to the large gates leading them to one of the gates which had golden embroidery on it while Raven protested behind him to let her go. 

She would be doomed the time a staff member sees her with the Underworld Italian don. 

Alessandro opened the door and pulled Raven after him. He locked the door before he left Raven standing in middle of the luxurious room. 

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