Chapter-7:Love Death Birth

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The morning sun rays seeped through the French windows of the lavender walled room, hitting Raven's eyes as the warmth on her skin made it feel blissful. 

Raven opened her eyes and squinted them, blinked twice and rubbed them with her fisted palms before clearly looking out of the window only to be met by the chilling breeze that came from the open window. 

She yawned stretching her arms above her head before she got down and put her small feet in her fluffy slippers. She slipped to her balcony as she opened her doors and sighed at the fresh chilling breeze. 

"New day, New motive. I am going to have a lot of fun today." Today was the day Raven thought she would unravel some past memories of her's when she was in Ireland. 

Suddenly a knock flowed through her silent room. Raven sighed as she moved towards her door and opened it.

"Yes? What is the commotion pretty lady?" looks like Raven was in a good mood at the thoughts of what she would be doing today. 

The maid outside just blushed at the comment of the younger O'Brien and nodded remembering the rushing outside for the guest. As she proceeded to tell the bubbly girl infront go her.

"Miss O'Brien, the whole family is waiting downstairs for you to come as the guest will be having their meal over here. The Lady of the house told you to come down dressed properly and also told you to hurry up." The maid rushed out as fast as she could.

"Oh, I would just get ready... and please don't call me Miss, it makes me feel like I am older than I should be." Raven told the maid blushing as she shut the door to get ready. 

Looks like she was rushing to get ready, she would probably take a roam around the whole mansion after breakfast. 

Raven walked towards her walk in closet looking at the branded and designed dresses. She never liked wearing so much expensive cloth for such a small event but she remembered how she used to dress up nicely when she was with sister Anna. They would go to church every weekend and dress nicely to look presentable, both her and Alex would mess up each others hairs while saying they would make good hairstyle for them. 

Raven giggled as she grimaced at the thought of wearing something so heavy in the early morning. 

She moved towards the only dress she found suitable, light and nice.

She moved towards the only dress she found suitable, light and nice

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Nothing more better than summer dress. - thought Raven.

She moved towards her en suite and came back after minutes. 

She left her hair freely, took her bright flats and walked out of her room. 

She climbed down the stairs with a spring in her each step and hopped towards the dining area. There she saw all the delicious food on the table already set. 

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