Chapter-12:The Syrup...

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She ran.

She ran away as far as she could into the garden of the mansion. Looking back at every step to see if he followed her but to her relief, he didn't. Halting at her steps, bending over and drawing in breath rapidly from the run, she walked to the fountain.






When she finally caught her breathe, she sat near the fountain. The remembrance taking residence in her head of the night they had together being here. How he almost scared her to death and the after math of being seen with him. It was anything but good.

Alessandro was the centre of attention for the underworld and she was a normal ordinary person. There was no way that her family could've thought about them being...

No. It just couldn't happen!

Shaking her head side to side to get such thought out of her head, she stood up walking back to the mansion.

As she walks back into her room, she lays down on her bed with the many thoughts. Putting her mind to each and everything that comes to her first. All of the thoughts soon put her into a deep slumber of darkness not knowing the on going situation that was soon going to happen.





She pushed off the bed in the most fastest way as possible stumbling on the floor. Looking around as if someone has been in the room. Her eyes roamed everywhere, noticing each and everything. Her stuff had not been touched and it remained where it was. She sighed in relief. 

"I guess I am just being paranoid." Looking out the balcony, she notices that she slept in her usual clothes and that it's already shining bright from the sunrise. Another day at her being at the mansion. Another day of living on the same land as Alessandro. This wasn't going to be easy. No one liked the thought of her being near him, and she was certain that he felt the same, yet he kept getting close to her. He wouldn't just go away no matter what. 

Suddenly the door to her room opened and it revealed Aiden who was smiling for Raven didn't know the reason to. 

"Here you are! I thought you took an early trail to the penthouse without having breakfast." Said Aiden closing the door while entering the room.

"Should've at least checked my room before you assumed where I went. And i wouldn't go anywhere before eating breakfast." Raven say's while getting up and leaving to the wardrobe, searching for clothes. 

"You're probably right... Anyway, I came to take you for breakfast. You can plan your day after that." 

"How should I be planning my day is the question Aiden. I don't know what to do except going to the penthouse and playing piano. You know, you could take me out somewhere. That, I wouldn't mind at all." Raven said while she threw a set of soft shorts and tee on the bed, walking over to the lavatory. 

"I am not that free sweet cheeks, why not some other time? when I'm actually free? or you could just go with the guards and driver if you want to go take a visit outside. I just can't help it but I need to be here." 

"You just declined to take me out, oh what should I do? I don't want to go with the guards and driver. I'm not that desperate. I'll just spend my day in my room." Raven said while dramatically putting her hand on her forehead, touching it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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