|| Chapter 1 ||

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In the cold blizzard,there sat a person wearing a cloak,making a necklace despite the weather. He tied it up together before finally letting out a sigh of relief.

But unfortunately,he was already freezing and fell on the ground,feeling lifeless.

But there happened to be a passer-by. An emperor. While he was riding his horse,patrolling around the place,he found the person's body lying on the snowy ground.

He got off his horse and ran to the body,almost covered in snow. He then knelt down and carried the body all the way back to the horse.

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The boy laid on the couch infront of the burning fire in the fireplace. Sitting next to him was the emperor who was looking at the person with a concerned look on his face.

The emperor then heard a whimper. He perked up,sitting up and leaning towards the person. He started to wriggle,and eventually,his eyes opened.

"Ahh..."he let out.

"Hey,hey...Take it easy."the emperor said.

"Wha...Who...Who're...You?..."the person stuggled to ask.

"I'm Russia. It's alright. You're safe from the blizzard."the emperor told,sweeping the person's hair to the side.

"Russia?..."a weak voice repeated.

The person's eyes blinked a couple times before he could see clearly. Infront of him was a man with blue eyes and white hair. He found himself wrapped in a blanket.

"What's your name?"Russia asked.

"Phi...Philip...Philippines..."the boy answered.

"Philippines?Can I call you Philip then?"Russia asked,stroking his hair.

"Mm...Hmm..."Philippines nodded weakly.

Russia stroked his blue hair before noticing the necklace. Philip was gripping onto it tightly. Russia reached for it,but was stopped by Philip.

"No...Don't..."Philip said,pulling back the necklace and trying to hide it.

"Oh...Uh,my apologies. Forgive me."Russia apologized.

"Mmm..."Philip moaned weakly,snuggling into the blanket.

Russia stood up and grabbed another blanket. He then put it on top of the blanket Philip had. After that,he sat down on the other side of the couch.

The blizzard went on noisily outside. The crackling of the fire was heard. Silence had fallen,and Russia started to slowly drift into slumber.

Philip peeked out of the blankets,looking at Russia who was now sitting on the couch asleep. Philip carefully slipped out of the blankets.

He held the necklace infront of his face before putting it on. After tying it up,Philip stood up,his bare feet feeling the carpet.

Philip quietly sneaked up towards a mirror. There,he admired the necklace on him. Philip looked up,now,staring at him was his reflection.

"Hey..."a deep voice called,making Philip flinched.

Philip quickly turned towards Russia. He was still sitting on the couch,staring at Philip with tired eyes.

The emperor stood up,walking towards Philip. Philip tried to step back,but a wall blocked his way. Russia got closer to Philip,grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the couch.

Russia sat down,looking back at Philip who was curled up on the other side. Russia then grabbed the blankets and wrapped Philip with it.

"You shouldn't walk around without something covering you up."Russia told."Especially with the storm going on outside."

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