|| Chapter 5 ||

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It was the crack of dawn. Philip was peacefully lying on the comfortable bed when he woke up to the sound of flapping.

The prince groaned softly and rubbed his eyes. After blinking a few times,he looked over at the doors to the balcony his room had.

There was something outside. So Philip tiredly stood up and walked towards the balcony. He opened the door. A large,black raven was perched on the railing of the balcony.

Philip slowly approached the raven. The raven was holding a flower in its beak. It was a beautiful chrysanthemum. And tied to one of the bird's legs was a note with a ribbon.

Philip gently untied the note and released the bird. It flew around the palace and disappeared. Philip then looked at the letter. It had the number 38 on it with Sandra's name below it. Philip flipped the paper and saw this...

"Have a great day."the letter said.

Philip smiled. He took the flower and note inside and placed it on the nightstand.

He stretched his arms and arched his back,then fell back on the bed. Philip just laid there for a few minutes before a thought crossed his mind.

"I haven't been outside of this room for a few days now."Philip recalled."Maybe I should take a walk."

So the prince stood up. Before he left the room,he spotted a ROBE. It looked pretty comfortable,so Philip wore it. The robe was white,and it was a bit big.

The back of the robe almost touched the floor,and it had long flared sleeves. Philip then went out.

Not a lot of servants were walking around for some reason. But that allowed Philip to roam around freely,admiring the different rooms of the place.

When Philip was exploring another guest room,he looked outside the window. Outside was a big green space,a field with short grass to be exact. It had a long rectangular fountain and there were trees on each of the field's side with bushes of flowers in between. And all the servants and the staff were lined up.

It was beautiful. Philip wanted to check it out. So the prince went walking around,finding a way to this field.

He was now on the ground floor. Philip passed by the kitchen. Since all the chefs and servants were outside in the field,he decided to check it out.

Utensils,pots,plates,stools,equiptment and other things you would fine in a kitchen were there.

Philip then saw a wooden door. He pushed it open,and it led to a small field. Philip turned his head to his right and saw the big field where the servants were.

The smaller field had tall poles with wires where sheets and clothes were hung. There were baskets,too,and all of it were filled with neatly folded clothes.

Philip's eye caught something. Something red. Something silky. Something fluttery. A red cape with fur.

The Filipino crept up to the cape that was left to dry. Philip did a quick check to see if it was wet,but the cape was dry. So Philip draped it around his body.

Philip knows he shouldn't be wearing someone else's clothes,but he couldn't help but try it on.

Philip twirled around with the cape,and the robe,swishing behind him. And his bare feet touching the soft grass,and the morning breeze gently blowing...Philip was having his Disney moment.

"Well,you look like you're having fun."a voice said behind Philip.

"What?!Oh,Russia...Russia...Russia!Hey,hi,how are you?"Philip nervously greeted,trying to hide the cape.

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