|| Chapter 13 ||

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Sandra and Jane stood there. Jane was gasping and panting with anger as her hands turned into fists. Sandra stood there with a knife in her hand.

"You could've just tied her up and lock her in a room."Jane said.

"Knowing her,she would've escaped."Sandra told.

"I still can't believe this."Jane muttered."You killed your half-sister just for a stupid pearl?"

"The pearl is NOT stupid."Sandra hissed."Say 'sister' one more time and I'll kill you."

"Then kill me,then."Jane sneered."I'm not helping you."

"I won't do that. You're essential for my plan for our little prince."Sandra told.

"No!If you won't kill,I'll make that your worst mistake."Jane responded.

"What are you implying,Jane?"Sandra asked.

Jane suddenly turned and ran towards the door. Sandra caught on with what Jane was trying to do and chased her with the knife.

Philip gasped when he saw Sandra pounce towards Jane,ready to stab her. Philip bust open the door and pulled Jane away from the room and kicked Sandra on the stomach.

"Your Highness!"Jane exclaimed.

"Ugh...You brat!..."Sandra muttered,coughing a little.

"Your Highness,what are you doing?"Jane asked when Philip positioned himself infront of her.

"Run,Jane."Philip's hoarse voice told."Run!"

"But Your Highness-"

Jane didn't have time to finish her sentence. Sandra jumped up and thrusted her knife down towards Philip. The prince blocked her attack and pushed her into the room.

"Go,Jane. Now!"Philip urged.

He closed the door and locked it,not waiting for a response. Sandra groaned and got up,gripping on her knife.

Philip took his stance near the door. Sandra charged at Philip with her knife in the air. Philip stepped back and dodged her knife,but its blade scraped his skin and left a scratch on his arm.

"Are you stupid?!I'm trying to kill you."Sandra said,but Philip didn't reply.

Meanwhile,outside,Jane had gotten up and hurried to get away. But she heard Philip and Sandra inside the room,fighting.

Jane looked back at the door,then towards the hallway. She was being indecisive of whether or not she should leave Philip.

She had taken a liking on the prince. He was like her husband before what happened. Jane panted,looking back and forth. She finally made up her mind.

"I'm sorry..."she muttered,shaking her head and running off.

Philip was panting. He had dodged Sandra's attacks but still had scratches and scars on his body. His body was covered with wounds and his white shirt was stained with red.

Sandra leapt towards Philip and he stepped to the side. That didn't stop Sandra though. When she missed,she swung her knife towards Philip.

Philip stepped back. He stumbled back towards the door and gasped. Sandra was standing near the fireplace.

Philip scanned the room. There was an iron pole nearby. He ran to it just Sandra charged towards him. Philip grabbed the pole and used it to stop Sandra's knife.

Sparks ignited when the blade and the pole collided. Philip pushed Sandra back and tried tot hit her with the pole.

He failed in doing so. Sandra dodged and now she was standing by the door. But she wasn't interested in escaping. Her eyes were filled with spite.

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