|| Chapter 12 ||

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Philip rolled on his bed,feeling restless. It was somewhere past midnight,and he hasn't gotten any sleep yet. He sat up,feeling the headache coming in.

The prince should've been sleeping right now since he was still sick,but he couldn't do that since his mind was keeping him awake.

Amanda's death still haunted him,along with her warning. Even when Russia promised to keep her safe,he couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Philip slipped out of bed,sneaking past the sleeping doctor on her desk. He slowly opened the door,got out and closed it,trying not to make a sound.

He looked around. Empty,eerie and quiet hallways. Philip cautiously walked around. He just needed a quick check on Sandra to see if she was okay and he'll probably be able to rest a little.

Philip tiptoed about the palace,heading towards the servants' quarters. His footsteps echoed quietly in the corridors.

The prince heard footsteps. At an intersection of hallways,a light was coming from the left hallway. Philip looked around. He hurried over to the nearest door and hid inside the room.

The footsteps passed by the room. The light shone from the gap under the door. Philip stepped back a little,not wanting to be discovered.

Unfortunately,he WAS discovered. Philip watched the light from the gap of the door stop and move back infront of the door.

Philip looked around. He tried to find a hiding place but he couldn't see that far since it was dark inside the room. Apparantly,Philip pounced into a hiding spot last minute.

Two men wearing uniforms opened the door. They looked around the room. One of them stretched out their arm with the lantern and moved it from right to left.

Philip held his breath and pressed himself againts the wall. He was hiding behind the door,hidden in the shadows.

He prayed that the two men wouldn't enter the room and blow his cover. Luckily,his wish was granted. The two men walked away and closed the door.

Philip sighed and stepped forward. He poke his head out into the hallway and scanned to see if there was anyone there.

The coast was clear,so Philip snuck out the room and continued his trip to the servants' quarters. He was more careful this time.

Philip made sure to be close to a room so he could hide when someone's coming. So far,so good. He hasn't bumped into anyone.

Spoke too soon. More footsteps were heard. Philip hid into a room. It sounded like it was just one person now,unlike before when Philip heard two footsteps overlapping.

The person walked forward,going towards the same direction Philip was heading to. After the passerby left,Philip got out the room.

After walking for a few more minutes,Philip got close. No one else was walking in the hallway,but Philip tried not to jinx it.

It seemed like it was taking forever for the prince to reach the quarters. Maybe it was because he was sick.

Philip eventually arrived. Supposedly,the servants' quarters,a small area of the palace where the servants' dorms were in,was quiet.

But distant voices were heard. Philip slowly walked towards the direction of the sound. It led him to a room with the number 38.

"I can't believe you did this."a female voice said.

"So what?She was getting in the way."another voice sneered.

"She was your SISTER!"the latter told.

"DON'T make me kill you,too."the female warned.

"You're willing to kill anyone if it gets you the pearl,is that right?"the other female huffed.

"Yes,it is."the other sneered.

Philip lightly gasped,covering his mouth. Inside were two women arguing. But he couldn't believe who they were.

"She just called you her sister,what's so wrong with that?"one of the females asked.

"Shut up!I'm not related to her."the reply came.

"You two have the same father."the other told.

"He,is,NOT."the second female hissed.

Philip watched through a gap on the door. His eyes widened. This wasn't what he expected. Were they the one behind Amanda's death?Or maybe just one of them?

"Sandra?...Jane?..."Philip whispered to himself.


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