|| Chapter 9 ||

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Once again,it's raining. Elena hoped it would've been a sunny day so Philip could use the sunlight to warm up and even maybe sweat a little.

Now it was another cold day. Philip was curled up on the bed,covered with his blankets. He wasn't sleeping though. He just stared into space,not knowing what to do.

While Elena was finishing up on some work at her desk,Philip decided to sneak out. He managed to slip away,but barely. Elena almost caught him.

After escaping the infirmary,Philip wandered around the palace. Halfway through the trip,he realized that he was dragging along a blanket.

"Was this here before?"Philip thought.

Philip just shrugged it off. It's not like carrying a blanket around is bad. Plus,since it was raining,he has something to warm himself up with.

It was hard for him to move around,considering that he's sick and all,but was able-bodied enough to actually do it.

After walking around like a zombie,Philip managed to find a certain place he haven't seen before.

It was a courtyard. Or it seemed like one. The walls of the palace surrounded the place,and larged windows with glass surrounded the place.

There was a doorway,too,but no door whatsoever. Just this curtain made of beads or whatever you call them.

Philip entered the place. Surrounded by palace walls was a small green area. Green grass grew from the dirt,bushes and shrubs sprouted near the walls,vines were climbing the palace's structure and a few small trees.

It was beautiful. Like a mini greenhouse inside the grounds. Philip entered. Above him was a glass dome roof that worked as shelter from the rain.

Philip watched in silence as the raindrops created streams of water that slowly cascaded along the walls,giving a drink to the vines-if they even drink.

The prince decided that he want to stay there. He laid on the grass as he watched the rain from the glass roof.

"And what are you doing here?"a voice asked,making Philip jump.

"Russia!I-uh...Uhh..."Philip stammered.

"I thought I told you to take care of yourself. You're not suppose to be walking around and tiring yourself."Russia said while petting Philip's head.

"But I was bored. I wanted to do something."Philip pouted.

"You should be resting."Russia told.

"I AM resting. See?"Philip motioned to himself sitting on the grass,earning a laugh from the emperor.

"I suppose so. And I guess it's not that bad that you're here."Russia said."Do you like this place?"

"I just got here,but I already love it."Philip remarked.

"Hm...I'm glad."Russia replied.

The two watched in silence as the rain pattered down the glass dome. As they listened,they heard a glimpse of a song made by the rain.

"Do you hear that?"Russia asked quietly.

"Yeah. It's like a lullaby."Philip commented.

"That must mean it's the Aria Rain."Russia told.

"Aria Rain?"Philip echoed."What's that?"

"It's quite beautiful,actually. Aria Rain is a special weather."Russia explained."The raindrops don't fall from cloud randomly. They're like notes,arranged together to create music."

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